While the majority of our work deals with rare and sensitive species, ORBIC is also involved with ranking and tracking invasive species, modeling non-native species distributions, and mapping existing distributions of some species. The image at right shows an example of a non-native annual grass map created for Eastern Oregon, with darker red representing a higher probability of the presence of invasive annual grasses.
ORBIC also administers and maintains the Oregon iMapInvasives website and database, which contains information about much of the work being done on invasive species throughout the state. Partners throughout Oregon use iMapInvasives to track, query, and share invasive species locations, surveys, and treated areas. iMapInvasives is available to anyone interested in learning more about invasive species, or wanting to map locations or track treatments online. More information can be found on the iMapInvasives Resources website.
Image: Modeled distribution of non-native annual grasses near Monument, OR. Credit: Matt Noone, INR.