Appel, C. L., K. M. Moriarty, S. M. Matthews, D. S. Green, S. Anderson, E. King, J. S. Yaeger, J. Brown, C. Bortot, and W. T. Bean. 2021. North American porcupine distribution in the Pacific Northwest and evaluation of a non-invasive monitoring technique. Northwestern Naturalist 102:9–29.
Barry, B. R., K. Moriarty, D. Green, R. A. Hutchinson, and T. Levi. 2021. Integrating multi-method surveys and recovery trajectories into occupancy models. Ecosphere 12:e03886.
Furnas, B. J., R. H. Landers, R. L. Callas, and S. M. Matthews. 2017. Estimating population size of fishers (Pekania pennanti) using camera stations and auxiliary data on home range size. Ecosphere 8:e01747.
Green, D. S., M. E. Martin, S. M. Matthews, J. R. Akins, J. Carlson, P. Figura, B. E. Hatfield, J. D. Perrine, C. B. Quinn, B. N. Sacks, T. R. Stephenson, S. L. Stock, and J. M. Tucker. 2023. A hierarchical modeling approach to predict the distribution and density of Sierra Nevada Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes necator). Journal of Mammalogy gyad026.
Green, D. S., M. E. Martin, R. A. Powell, E. L. McGregor, M. W. Gabriel, K. L. Pilgrim, M. K. Schwartz, and S. M. Matthews. 2022. Mixed-severity wildfire and salvage logging affect the populations of a forest-dependent carnivoran and a competitor. Ecosphere 13:e03877.
Green, D. S., A. N. Facka, K. P. Smith, S. M. Matthews, and R. A. Powell. 2022. Evaluating the efficacy of reintroducing fishers (Pekania pennanti) to a landscape managed for timber production. Forest Ecology and Management 511:120089.
Green, D. S., S. M. Matthews, R. C. Swiers, R. L. Callas, J. Scott Yaeger, S. L. Farber, M. K. Schwartz, and R. A. Powell. 2018. Dynamic occupancy modelling reveals a hierarchy of competition among fishers, grey foxes and ringtails. Journal of Animal Ecology 87:813–824.
Green, R. E., J. Joyce, Michael, S. M. Matthews, K. L. Purcell, J. M. Higley, and A. Zalewski. 2017. Guidelines and techniques for studying the reproductive ecology of wild fishers (Pekania pennanti), American martens (Martes americana), and other members of the Martes complex. Pages 313–358 in A Zalewski, I. A. Wierzbowska, K. B. Aubry, J. D. S. Birks, D. T. O’Mahony, and G. Proulx, editors. The Martes Complex in the 21st century: ecology and conservation. Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Bia\lowie\.za, Poland.
Gundermann, K.P., D. S. Green, F. E. Buderman, C. H. Myers, J. M. Higley, R. N. Brown, S. M. Matthews. 2023. Ecological characteristics of diurnal rest sites used by ringtails (Bassariscus astutus). Northwest Science (96) 3-4: 220-233 (Dec).
Linnell, M. A., K. Moriarty, D. S. Green, and T. Levi. 2018. Density and population viability of coastal marten: a rare and geographically isolated small carnivore. PeerJ 6:e4530.
Martin, M. E., M. S. Delheimer, K. M. Moriarty, D. A. Early, K. A. Hamm, J. N. Pauli, T. L. Mcdonald, and P. N. Manley. 2022. Conservation of rare and cryptic species: Challenges of uncertainty and opportunities for progress. Conservation Science and Practice.
Martin, M. E., M. S. Delheimer, M. W. Gabriel, G. M. Wengert, and K. M. Moriarty. 2022. Combined field and clinical methods clarify mortality causes and survival patterns of Pacific martens. The Journal of Wildlife Management jwmg.22131.
Matthews, S. M., D. S. Green, M. E. Martin, B. R. Barry, and K. M. Moriarty. 2021. Fisher recolonization and recovery in Oregon: Feasibility assessment for the reintroduction of fishers. Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, USA.
Matthews, S. M., D. S. Green, J. M. Higley, K. M. Rennie, C. M. Kelsey, and R. E. Green. 2019. Reproductive den selection and its consequences for fisher neonates, a cavity-obligate mustelid. Journal of Mammalogy 100:1305–1316.
Tucker, J., R. Green, K. Purcell, and D. Green. 2020. Survey protocol for fisher denning season: methods for informing denning protection measures. U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region 5, Sacramento, California, USA.