INR’s Rangeland Sustainability Program addresses the urgent issues facing rangeland ecosystems across eastern Oregon and the Intermountain West, including invasive species, large mega-fires, woodland expansion, drought, and climate change. These stressors impact ecosystem function and biodiversity, productivity for wildlife and livestock producers, and rural communities and recreation opportunities. The program has a particular focus on the sagebrush steppe ecosystem in eastern Oregon but addresses issues that impact rangelands more broadly within the state and across the western United States.
In addition to its current work, INR’s Rangeland Sustainability Program supports the work of INR’s Oregon Biodiversity Information Center (ORBIC) in eastern Oregon rangelands. This includes the Oregon Natural Areas Program, ORBIC’s efforts to evaluate the status and trends of all rare, threatened and endangered species in Oregon, and efforts to help track and control invasive species, including iMapInvasives.
INR’s work under the Rangeland Sustainability Program is supported by the Bureau of Land Management, Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. In addition to these key agencies, we work with many collaborators including a wide network of SageCon partners.
If you are interested in learning more about our work, please contact Megan Creutzburg.