SageCon Partnership

The SageCon Partnership is a unique collaborative group that works together to build resilience in Oregon’s sagebrush rangelands. INR staff have played an active role in project management, facilitation and technical support for SageCon since 2014 and continue to lead technical coordination and technical support. Recent highlights of INR’s work with SageCon include:

  • The SageCon Dashboard provides a snapshot of status, trends, efforts and opportunities related to sagebrush and sage-grouse conservation in Oregon. INR will update the Dashboard in 2024.
  • INR built multiple decision support tools and maps to support coordinated sagebrush and sage-grouse planning in Oregon hosted on the Oregon Explorer. A curated suite of datasets to support landscape-scale, cross-boundary implementation can be found in the SageCon Landscape Planning Tool, and the Sage-Grouse Development Registry and Sage-Grouse Development Siting Tool support sustainable development in Oregon’s sage-grouse habitat.
  • The annual SageCon Summit brings together partners across Oregon and throughout the Great Basin to connect partners, share information, and inspire action to conserve sagebrush and sage-grouse throughout the state. INR helps convene the Summit and other technical trainings and events through SageCon.