The Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) of the Oregon Ocean Policy Advisory Council (OPAC) invites proposals from researchers affiliated with any Oregon institution of higher education listed in ORS 352.002 to conduct the legislatively-mandated assessment of Oregon’s marine reserve system. The main deliverable is a scholarly review of the marine reserves process and outcomes from 2008-2020, which will be detailed in the forthcoming (December 2021) Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) Synthesis Report.
While the lead principal investigator must be from an Oregon university as outlined above, STAC encourages collaborative, multi-disciplinary teams, which can be from multiple states and institutions to respond to this opportunity. The deadlines listed in the RFP were determined by Oregon’s Legislative Assembly and funding for the assessment ($132,000) is provided by Oregon Ocean Science Trust Fund, a donor advised fund at the Oregon Community Foundation (OCF), so it is important to note that no additional funds are available and the deadlines set forth for deliverables cannot be modified or extended. The university team will be selected through an open, competitive, peer-reviewed process. Proposed background work may begin in August 2021, and ODFW’s Synthesis Report will be available to the selected university in January 2022.
Schedule of dates for proposal submission and the review process
Q: Would it be OK to budget for some travel and honoraria in addition to the salary/OPE and indirect listed as allowable in the RFP?
A: The RFP provides this guidance: “Allowable costs are restricted to salary, other payroll expenses (OPE), and indirect costs (not to exceed 15%).” We don’t feel it would be equitable to allow a PI to insert other costs just because they asked, since other PIs might logically conclude they could not, from reading the RFP, so they would be put into a different position. Given the amount of funding available it was decided to construct the budget framework and guidance without travel or other “extra” costs. So project proposals will need to be bound by that guidance.
Q: Thinking about the participatory process, if relevant, how do people want to be engaged (i.e., the STAC)?
A: There will be an ODFW kickoff presentation to whichever university/team is selected and the STAC will be involved. Also there are mandatory check-ins with the STAC. The STAC can address clarifying questions, but we want to be sure that that STAC does not, and is not seen as having, undue influence on the process.
Q: Should we assume the same distance with ODFW?
A: The assessment is about the impact of the marine reserves and implementation of the marine reserves program. Engagement with the ODFW report team should be limited to asking clarifying questions and/or requesting access to information.
Q: Who is/are the end “user(s)”?
A: The primary end user is the Oregon Legislature.
Q: Are there any other products for the users/legislature?
A: This is not specified in the guiding legislation. The RFP states that reviewers should be prepared to present in-person testimony. This stipulation may help proposal teams to understand the context.
Q: The term significant is used numerous times in the RFP. Is this usage of the term “significant” defined?
A: It is used in terms of socioeconomic impacts (p. 22 in the RFP).
Q: Does OSRAA turn the proposal into INR?
A: The PI submits the proposal and supporting materials to Jeff Behan at [email protected]. The proposal should be approved through your typical university process, though.
Q: Is there anything else we should be aware of?
A: The RFP was developed through the STAC public meeting process. Meeting minutes are available, so you can access those to get an idea of the process.
Note: This timeline is subject to change.
PIs preparing proposals for funding should contact the following with questions: