Highlighted Thematic Tools
Access the list of all of the tools the Oregon Explorer program has created.
Communities Reporter Tool. The Communities Reporter is a unique resource for community practitioners as it links over 1000 places and 36 counties in Oregon and Siskiyou County, California to data gathered at the place, census tract, and county levels by various agencies and institutions.
Oregon Hazards Reporter. The Oregon Hazards Reporter allows you to access hazards data from multiple state and federal agencies, and to report on known hazards for specific areas.
Oregon Wildfire Risk Explorer. Access wildfire risk data for the areas surrounding your home and community.
Oregon CWPP Planning Tool. The Oregon CWPP Planning Tool serves professional planners to inform updates to Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPP) and Natural Hazard Mitigation Plans (NHMP), with extensive data resources, detailed summaries, and full wildfire risk inventory report.
Land Use and Planning
Oregon Planner's Map Viewer. Map viewer containing information to support land use planners, including: administrative boundaries, hazards, transportation, hydric soils, wetlands, protected areas, and more.
Oregon Zoning Map. Dynamic map displaying zoning data from 169 local jurisdictions compiled by the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development.
Oregon Measure 49 Analyzer. The purposes of the Measure 49 Analyzer are to provide Measure 49 property owners with tools to search for a Measure 37/49 claim property by election number, claim name, or interactively from the map; view authorized Measure 37/49 claim property boundaries and the numbers of new dwellings, new parcels, and total home sites authorized by the final order; find and download a “Final Order and Home Site Authorization”; view simplified maps of areas that are high-value farmland, high-value forestland and ground water restricted as specifically defined in Measure 49; and calculate and create a downloadable report of the percentages of high-value farmland and high-value forestland area within a claim property.
Oregon Renewable Energy Siting Assessment (ORESA) mapping and reporting tool. The ORESA mapping and reporting tool allows users to review data and input potential project characteristics in order to get a coarse level perspective of potential land use, military, natural resources and other considerations for a potential renewable energy project site location.
Water & Watersheds
Oregon Watershed Restoration Tool. Access restoration project information and download data for Oregon Plan basins, subbasins or watershed councils. This tool was created in partnership with the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB) to show the locations of and information from the Oregon Watershed Restoration Inventory (OWRI) Database and Fish Passage Inventory data.
Oregon Watershed Restoration Reporter Tool. Use this tool to report on total number of restoration projects and investments for Oregon and it's basins, subbasins, counties and watershed councils for a time period selected by the user. Includes bar charts, pie charts and funding reports and outcomes for instream, riparian, fish passage, road, upland, wetland, estuarine, urban, fish screening and instream flow restoration activities.
OWEB Investment Tracking Tool. This tool allows you to explore how OWEB grant funding is distributed across the state. The tool provides basic information on grants in progress and those that have been completed (e.g. project name, start year, OWEB funding amount). The Oregon Watershed Restoration Inventory provides more detailed information on completed restoration projects.
Oregon Rapid Wetland Assessment Protocol (ORWAP) and Stream Function Assessment Method (SFAM) Map Viewer. The Oregon Rapid Wetland Assessment Protocol (ORWAP) and the Stream Function Assessment Method (SFAM) are standardized methods for rapidly assessing the functions and values of wetlands and streams respectively. The ORWAP and SFAM Reporting tools provides site-specific mapping and reporting information needed to answer a small but important subset of ORWAP and SFAM indicator questions. The entire ORWAP protocol (manual, spreadsheets, data forms, policy guidance) and the SFAM method and supporting documents can be viewed or downloaded from the Department of State Lands website.
Wildlife & Biodiversity
Oregon Sage-Grouse Development Registry Viewer. As part of the SageCon partnership, Oregon committed to limiting the amount of human development within sage grouse core habitat in an effort to conserve the species. On September 16, 2015, Governor Brown signed Executive Order 15-18 which directed the OR Dept. of Land Conservation & Development (DLCD) to maintain a central registry of development on all lands within sage grouse habitat in coordination with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and county governments. The central registry must use the adopted baseline level of development within each Priority Area for Conservation (PAC) and track the location and extent of new development in each PAC over time.
Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 660-023-0115 identifies significant sage grouse habitat and directs counties to apply a hierarchy of mitigation to land use proposals. The rule also establishes a metering mechanism that allows only 1% of each PAC to be developed per 10-year increment, and establishes a hard ceiling that would not allow human-caused development to ever occupy more than 3% of any PAC. This tool shows the human development within the sage grouse PACs. Users can run a report to see the amount of development relative to the 1% and 3% development thresholds.
SageCon Landscape Planning Tool. The Sage-Grouse Data viewer is an Oregon Explorer web-based mapping application that allows the public to access up-to-date data layers related to Sage-Grouse habitat and threats in Oregon. Users can view data for the entire Sage-Grouse range in Oregon, or navigate to their location of interest, while advanced users can download data for analysis. Supplemental data layers are included in the Viewer such as vegetation condition, previous wildfire perimeters, seasonal sage-grouse habitat, and sage-grouse habitat management boundaries.
Oregon Wildlife Viewer. The Oregon Wildlife Viewer is a tool to get specific wildlife species information for amphibians, birds, mammals and reptiles and generate species lists for places in Oregon.
Oregon Biodiversity Map Viewer. Obtain meaningful information about important, sensitive, rare and listed forest species and habitats that could be found, or restored, on a landowner's property. View species and ecological systems data aggregated to the 12 digit (6th field) watershed, and gain easy access to the species status with respect to distribution or rareness, as well as a measure of the watersheds importance to maintaining populations of that species or habitat.