View presentations and breakout group notes from the Mid and North Coast Water Monitoring Summit, held February 28 and March 1, 2018 in Newport, Oregon.
Water Quality
- Coastal Toxics: What we know and what we don’t know (Lori Pillsbury, DEQ)
- Linking Shellfish populations to habitat and water quality (Laura Brown, Siletz Tribes)
- Monitoring bacteria in the Tillamook Watershed (York Johnson, Tillamook Estuary Partnership, Wym Matthews, ODA)
Water Quantity
- An overview of groundwater in the Mid and North Coast (Paige Evans, DEQ; Michael Thoma, OWRD)
- Natural Hazards Affecting Water Quantity of the Mid Coast (Adam Denlinger, Seal Rock Water District)
- Forecasting Floods Before They Happen – Practices & Challenges for Coastal Rivers (Andy Bryant, NOAA)
Habitat for Fish and Aquatic Life
- Aquatic Inventories Habitat Monitoring (Charlie Stein, ODFW)
- Monitoring effectiveness of a large wood addition: A collaborative, multi-disciplinary approach (Chris Lorion, ODFW)
- Coastal Coho planning (Mark Trenholm, Wild Salmon Center)
Land Use and Streamside Habitat Conditions
- Trask Paired Watershed Study: Study Design and Preliminary Findings (Mark Meleason, ODF)
- Trask Paired Watershed Study: Nutrient dynamics, sediment concerns, and lessons learned (Sherri Johnson, USFS)
Nearshore / Estuaries
- Salmon River Estuary effectiveness monitoring (Kami Ellingson, USFS)
- The pathway towards building Oregon’s new Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia Council (Caren Braby, ODFW)
- Use of monitoring data to define restoration and protection approach in lower Columbia (Catherine Corbett, Lower Columbia River Estuary Partnership)
Value of Coordinated Efforts
- Monitoring Surface Drinking Water Sources For Potential Spray Contamination: Oceanside’s Short Creek Example (Paul Newman, Oceanside Water District)
- Mid Coast TMDL planning process (Dave Waltz, DEQ; Kyle Terry, Siuslaw Watershed Council)
- Wayne Hoffman, Policy Director of the Mid Coast Watershed Council, provided an overview of Mid Coast Place Based Planning. For more information see:
Data Tools
- Water Monitoring Viewer, Monitoring Calendar, and Oregon Explorer (Myrica McCune, INR)
- Water Quality Status and Trends tool: Mid Coast example (Maddee Rubenson, DEQ)
- Pesticide Data Viewer (Colin Donald, DEQ)
- Ambient Water Quality Monitoring System (AWQMS) (Dan Brown, DEQ)
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Breakout Group Notes
- Water Quality
- Water Quantity
- Habitat for Fish and Aquatic Life
- Land Use and Streamside Habitat Conditions
- Nearshore/Estuaries