INR's Pacific Northwest Landscape Assessment and Mapping Program (PNW-LAMP) works to provide landscape level natural resource management tools such as vegetation layers, predictive modeling, and wildlife distributions. Modelling staff are primarily based at INR's Portland office at PSU, while the assessment team is primarily at the Corvallis office at OSU.
The largest project PNW-LAMP has been involved with is the Integrated Landscape Assessment Project. This was a multi-state project funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and created or maintained more than 50 jobs in four states. The project assessed watershed-level prioritization of land management actions based on fuel conditions, wildlife and aquatic habitats, economic values, and projected climate change across all lands in Arizona, New Mexico, Oregon, and Washington.
Two other projects are the Historical Vegetation Mapping Project and the Gap Analysis Project. Products from these projects include shapefiles of historical vegetation for many areas of Oregon, and wildlife models that were used in part to create the Oregon Wildlife Explorer. We continue to improve on these models and are working to create more historical vegetation maps and species habitat maps.