Michael Russell
Corvallis, OR
United States
B.S., Oregon State University, 2000
M.S., Oregon State University, 2010
Ph.D., Oregon State University, 2013
Michael is a plant ecologist managing, with assistance from Caitlin Lawrence, the INR Cooperative Agreement with the BLM to sample vegetation across the range of the Greater Sage-Grouse in eastern Oregon. The program uses BLM AIM sampling protocols to assess the status and eventually trends of rangeland and Sage-Grouse habitat. Michael has 20 years of experience as a professional botanist in the Pacific Northwest. His dissertation focused on the landscape ecology of beneficial insects in western Oregon farmlands, and he studied the germination of native Willamette Valley prairie plants for his master's research. He also serves as the President of the Biodiversity Research Collaborative in Eugene, focusing on Pacific Northwest lichens.