1) Assist with establishing the “Natural and Working Lands Advisory Committee (N&WL Advisory Committee and facilitate meetings on behalf of the Oregon Global Warming Commission (OGWC).
a. Onboard Committee members and get agreement on schedules for meetings, along with agreed upon near-term objectives.
b. Plan for, facilitate and briefly summarize the discussions, recommendations and any decisions from regular full Committee, Committee workgroup meetings and Technical Expert Meetings through August 2023 to educate and secure Committee and Technical Expert feedback on the deliverables below to inform the deliverables below.
PROGRESS: Committee was formed, and a total of 11 meetings were held through August of 2023.
2) Develop activity-based metrics (aka climate-smart management practices).
PROGRESS: Practices for each of the five land sectors were developed. Agricultural and Forestry land sector subcommittees convened in early 2023 to discuss sector-specific practices in greater detail. Facilitators engaged with an additional 31 external reviewers to review the initial draft of the technical teams practices and metrics document. The project report includes a summary of practices and metrics recommended by the technical teams, practices and metrics recommended by the Advisory Committee, and a compilation of reviews of the technical teams' initial draft practices and metrics document.
3) Identify community impact metrics.
a. Complete an assessment of community-based metrics being developed in Oregon and other states and complete a draft set of Community metrics.
b. Complete a final set of community-based metrics.
PROGRESS: A framework for community impact metrics was developed, including numerous examples of metrics. The Advisory Committee proposed a suite of draft community impact metrics for Oregon.
4) Define the scope of work for a Workforce and Training analysis.
a. Assess evaluate existing Oregon Natural and Working Lands related workforce and training, and identify gaps and draft a scope of work for filling gaps.
b. Complete a final scope of work for a workforce and training analysis and estimated costs.
PROGRESS: A Scope of Work was developed and the Oregon Department of Energy posted an RFI to OregonBuys in July, giving entities six weeks to respond to the RFI with proposed methodology and estimated costs to complete the assessment.
5) Develop a methodology for establishing an inventory of net sequestration and storage in Oregon’s Natural and Working Lands.
a. Complete an assessment of best practices from other states for establishing inventories for net sequestration and storage and existing Oregon data that could be used to create an inventory for Oregon Natural and Working Lands. Create a draft scope of work and preliminary cost estimates for the Oregon inventory.
b. Complete a final scope of work for establishing an inventory of net sequestration and storage for Oregon’s natural and working lands and complete a cost estimates for completing the inventory.
Background and Objectives for the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory for Natural and Working Lands in Oregon has been completed.
GHG Inventory Definitions produced by the technical teams.
GHG Inventory Definitions, including addendums recommended by the Stakeholder Advisory Committee.
Proposed basic and Tier 3 methodologies were developed and included in the project report.
6) Complete a final report on the N&WL Proposal including a recap of the process and key deliverables.
a. Complete a draft final report for review by August 15, 2023. The draft report was completed by 1 August 2023.
b. Complete a final report by September 15, 2023.
The draft report was completed by 1 August 2023.
INR submitted the final report, "Final Report: Foundational Elements to Advance the Oregon Global Warming Commission’s Natural and Working Lands Proposal", to the Oregon Global Warming Commission on 27 September 2023 and to the project funders on 29 September 2023. INR is waiting for permission from the Oregon Global Warming Commission to post the final report on this webpage.