N&W Lands Resources

Natural and Working Resources 

Opportunities for Accelerating Nature-Based Solutions: A Roadmap for Climate Progress, Thriving Nature, Equity, and Prosperity. Report to the National Climate Task Force. Washington, D.C.  (2022)

Oregon Global Warming Commission Natural and Working Lands Proposal (2021)

WRI Guide to Natural and Working Lands Inventory Improvements (2020)


Inventory Methods Development 


Blue Carbon Resources


  • Severe fire weather and intensive forest management increase fire severity in a multi-ownership landscape (Zald and Dunn 2018)

  • Contemporary patterns of fire extent and severity in forests of the Pacific Northwest, USA (Reilly et al. 2017)

  • Extreme winds alter influence of fuels and topography on megafire burn severity in seasonal temperate rainforests under record fuel aridity (Evers et al. 2022)

  • Higher incidence of high-severity fire in and near industrially managed forests (Levine et al. 2022)

  • A New Vision for Wildfire Planning: A Report on Land Use and Wildfires (Fox, 1000 Friends of Oregon, 2019)



  • Combating climate change on U.S. cropland: Affirming the technical capacity of cover cropping and no-till to sequester carbon and reduce greenhouse gas emissions (American Farmland Trust 2022)

  • Oregon farmers and farmlands  are part of the climate solution (American Farmland Trust 2022)

  • Lay of the Land & Levers for Change: Farming for Climate Resilience in Oregon 2021 and Beyond (Rood 2021)

  • Combating Climate Change on US Cropland: Affirming the technical capacity of cover cropping and no-till to sequester carbon and reduce greenhouse gas emissions (Bruner et al. 2021)

    • A must read 2021 summary of the science to date, from soil science to the social science of practice adoption, very accessible for all readers. 

  • ​Climate Mitigation Potential of Regenerative Agriculture is Significant! (Paustian et al. 2020)

    • The latest from leading scientists in 2020. 

  • ​Natural climate solutions for the United States (Fargione et al. 2018)

    • A solid 2018 study quantifying soil carbon sequestration and reduced greenhouse gas potential of natural climate solutions, including agricultural solutions, in the US. Also recognizes the additional benefits of these solutions for water use efficiency, flood control, soil health, wildlife habitat and climate resilience.  

  • Oregon Forests and Farms Can Fight Climate Change (The Nature Conservancy and Portland State University 2020)​

  • ​Carbon Sequestration Potential on Agricultural Lands:  A Review of Current Science and Available Practices (Kane 2015)

    • 2015 review of current science and available practices. Includes a good Soil Carbon 101 section plus a deeper dive into the impacts of implementing different practices. 

  • A Whole Farm Planning Tool: Cultivating Climate Resilience on Farms and Ranches (Lengnick 2018)

  • Farms Under Threat: The State of the States (A comparison of the efficacy of farmland protection tools by state) (Freedgood et al. 2020)

  • USFRA-Transformative-Investment-Report.pdf (usfarmersandranchers.org) This report examines how innovations in finance and technology can be applied to overcome barriers to adoption of climate-smart agriculture practices in the U.S. at scale.

  • Carbon sequestration potential in cropland soils in the inland Pacific Northwest: Knowledge and gaps

  • Climate Smart Agriculture Sourcebook | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (fao.org)

  • Designing Working Lands Incentives for Oregon Agriculture - possible policy structures for granting process, eligible strategies and practices, and program administration. Prepared by staff at ODA and OWEB. 12/12/2018

  • Conservation Innovation Grants program – Congressional Report - overview of the program over the course of its 17+ years, showing the value in incentive-based farming practices.

  • CDFA - Office of Environmental Farming & Innovation (OEFI) (ca.gov)
    Website with information on CCDFA’s Office of Environmental Farming and Innovation, including their work to fund projects on farms through grants such as Healthy Soils Program, Alternative Manure Management, Dairy Digesters, State Water and Energy Efficiency Programs.

Tools for Greenhouse Gas Calculations

Land Use

Death by 1000 Cuts: The Erosion of Oregon's Exclusive Farm Use Zone (Shackelford, 1000 Friends of Oregon, 2020)