Project researchers and Learning and Action Network team members gathered in Salem in December 2015 for a capstone workshop. Photo credit: Kayla Martin, OSU
Lead Principal Investigators
- Jeffrey McDonnell, Oregon State University (OSU) College of Forestry, now at University of Saskatchewan, Global Institute for Water Security (2010-2012)
- Roy Haggerty, OSU College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences (2012-2015)
- Anne Nolin, OSU College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences (2015-2016)
Executive Committee (alphabetical)
- John Bolte, OSU Biological & Ecological Engineering
- Barbara Bond, OSU Forest Ecosystems & Society (2010-2012)
- Samuel Chan, Oregon Sea Grant
- Roy Haggerty, OSU College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences (2015-2016)
- David Hulse, University of Oregon, Landscape Architecture
- William Jaeger, OSU Applied Economics (2013-2016)
- Philip Mote, Oregon Climate Change Research Institute
- Anne Nolin, OSU College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences (2012-2015)
- Andrew Plantinga, UC Santa Barbara - Bren School of Environmental Science & Management (2010-2013)
- Project Coordinator: Maria Wright, OSU Institute for Water and Watersheds
Other Research Team Members (alphabetical)
- Adell Amos, UO School of Law
- Meagan Atkinson, MS Student, OSU Environmental Science (Graduated: 2014)
- Chris Berger, PSU Civil & Environmental Engineering
- Joe Bernert, Institute for Natural Resources
- Dan Bigelow, PhD Student, OSU Applied Economics
- Heejun Chang, PSU Geography
- David Conklin, Oregon Freshwater Simulations
- Matt Cox, OSU Biological & Ecological Engineering
- Kathie Dello, Oregon Climate Change Research Institute
- Laura Ferguson, MS Student, OSU Marine Resource Management (Graduated: 2015)
- Elizabeth Garcia, PhD Student, UCSB (Graduated: 2014)
- Kelly Gleason, PhD Student, Water Resources Science (Graduated: 2015)
- Stephanie Graham, MS Student (Graduated: 2012)
- Gordon Grant, USDA Forest Service
- Stan Gregory, OSU Fisheries and Wildlife
- Alexey Kalinin, MS Student, OSU Applied Economics (Graduated: 2013)
- Andrea Laliberte, Earthmetrics
- Stephen Lancaster, OSU College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences
- Christian Langpap, OSU Applied Economics
- Sarah Lewis, OSU College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences
- Maria Lewis Hunter, MS Student, OSU Water Resources Policy and Management (Graduated: 2013)
- Kayla Martin, Oregon Sea Grant
- Myrica McCune, Institute for Natural Resources
- Linda Modrell, Former Benton County Commissioner
- Kathleen Moore, PhD Student, OSU Geography (Graduated: 2015)
- Hamid Moradkhani, PSU Civil & Environmental Engineering
- Anita Morzillo, OSU Forest Ecosystems & Society
- Phil Neumann, MS Student, OSU Water Resources Science (Graduated: 2012)
- Anne Nolin, OSU College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences
- Beau Olen, MS Student, OSU Applied Economics (Graduated: 2012)
- Charles Preppernau, OSU Geography (Graduated: 2015)
- Travis Roth, PhD Student, Water Resources Science
- David Rupp, Oregon Climate Change Research Institute
- Mary Santelmann, OSU Water Resources Graduate Program
- Cynthia Schwartz, OSU Biological & Ecological Engineering
- Eric Sproles, PhD Student, Water Resources Science (Graduated: 2012)
- Adam Stebbins, Benton County
- Dan Stephens, OSU Geography (Graduated: 2016)
- James Sulzman, OSU Biological & Ecological Engineering
- Christina (Naomi) Tague, UC-Santa Barbara
- Desiree Tullos, OSU Biological & Ecological Engineering
- David Turner, OSU Forest Ecosystems and Society
- Kellie Vache, OSU Biological & Ecological Engineering
- Eric Watson, PSU Geography (Graduated: 2016)
- Scott Wells, Portland State University (PSU) Civil & Environmental Engineering
- Josh Williams, MS Student, OSU Fisheries and Wildlife (Graduated: 2014)
- Junjie Wu, OSU Applied Economics
Technical Advisory Group (TAG) (alphabetical)
Beginning in project year 5 (fall 2014), we invited a core group of 25 citizen stakeholders to participate in a series of meetings to define the assumptions for two stakeholder scenarios and provide feedback on communicating project findings. TAG members included:
- Rick Bastasch, Straub Environmental Center
- Jason Bradford, Vitality Farms
- Kevin Brannan, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
- Stephanie Eisner, City of Salem
- Bob Heinith, Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
- Johan Hogervorst, USDA Forest Service
- Gary Horning, Horning Farm
- Allison Inouye, City of Hillsboro
- Niki Iverson, City of Hillsboro
- John Harland, Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center
- Margaret Matter, Oregon Department of Agriculture
- Matt McRae, City of Eugene
- Jim Meierotto, Tualatin Valley Water District
- Linda Modrell, Benton County
- Karl Morgenstern, Eugene Water and Electric Board
- Alyssa Mucken, Oregon Water Resources Department
- Laurie Nicholas, US Army Corps of Engineers
- Dan Obrien, Greenberry Irrigation District
- Michelle Plambeck, Multnomah County
- Kimberley Swan, Clackamas Water Providers
- Gregory Taylor, US Army Corps of Engineers
- Tom VanderPlaat, Clean Water Services
Learning and Action Network (LAN)
Throughout the project, the science team met with regional water managers, stakeholders, and educators. This group was called the Learning and Action Network (LAN) and grew to include county commissioners, managers, and scientists from state and federal natural resource agencies, farmers, K-12 educators, and representatives from water utilities, conservation organizations, and industry. Over 120 people participated in at least one LAN event over the project's six years. LAN events consisted of fieldtrips, workshops, and webinars, where we encouraged dialogue about water issues in the basin and introduced and received feedback on WW2100 modeling approaches and analysis.