Invertebrate Animal Ranks

Documentation forms for Oregon state and global ranks for invertebrate animals are provided in the table below. For detailed information on the ranking process, see Ranking Documentation. For a brief description of the meaning of the rank codes, see Rare Species Ranking Definitions.

Tables of Results: Vascular Plants  |  Fungi  |  Vertebrates   |  Invertebrates

Invertebrate Animals

Scientific Name Common Name Global Rank State Rank Rank Date
Acupalpus punctulatus Marsh ground beetle G2? S2 2010-07-08
Aeshna sitchensis Zigzag Darner G5 S2 2016-06-28
Aeshna subarctica Subarctic darner G5 S2? 2016-06-28
Agonum belleri Beller's ground beetle G3 S1 2016-02-16
Andrena winnemuccana A miner bee G2? S2? 2013-06-14
Atrazonotus umbrosus Umbrose seed bug G3? S3? 2013-07-10
Bombus caliginosus Obscure bumblebee G2G3 S2? 2016-06-28
Bombus fervidus Yellow bumblebee G4? S4? 2016-06-28
Bombus morrisoni Morrison Bumblebee G4G5 S1S2 2016-06-28
Bombus occidentalis Western bumblebee GU S1S2 2010-08-09
Bombus suckleyi Suckley's cuckoo bumblebee G1G3 S1? 2016-06-28
Boreostolus americanus American unique-headed bug GNR S3S4 2016-05-18
Callophrys johnsoni Johnson's hairstreak G3G4 S3 2016-06-30
Capnia kersti A stonefly G1G2 S1 2016-06-30
Carinacauda stormi Cascades axetail slug G2G3 S2S3 2022-11-10
Cicindela hirticollis couleensis Hairy-necked tiger beetle G5T3 S2? 2016-05-18
Cicindela hirticollis siuslawensis Siuslaw hairy-necked tiger beetle G5T1T2 S1S2 2016-07-01
Cicindela purpurea hatchi A tiger beetle G5T3T4 S2S3? 2016-07-01
Colias christina pseudochristina Intermountain sulphur G3G4T2T4 S2 2010-07-14
Colias christina sullivanti Sullivan's sulphur G5T2T3 S2 2012-01-10
Colligyrus sp. 4 Columbia duskysnail G2 S2 2011-10-07
Criocoris saliens Salien plant bug G2? S3 2016-05-18
Cryptomastix devia Puget oregonian G3 S1 2011-10-06
Cryptomastix hendersoni Columbia Gorge oregonian G1G2 S2 2019-03-22
Danaus plexippus pop. 1 Monarch - California overwintering population G4T2T3 S1S2B 2018-02-23
Dendrocoris arizonensis Arizona stinkbug G4 S3? 2016-05-18
Deroceras hesperium Evening fieldslug G2 S2 2011-10-21
Dumontia oregonensis A water flea G1G3 S1 2010-10-28
Erpetogomphus compositus White-belted ringtail G5 S4 2016-07-01
Farula constricta A Farulan caddisfly G1G2 S1S2 2016-07-01
Fluminicola sp. 3 Diminutive pebblesnail G1 S1 2011-10-21
Fluminicola sp. 11 Nerite pebblesnail G1 S1 2011-10-21
Fluminicola sp. 14 Tall pebblesnail G1 S1 2011-10-10
Gomphus kurilis Pacific clubtail G4 S3S4 2010-08-09
Gomphus lynnae Columbia clubtail G2 S2 2010-07-22
Helicodiscus salmonaceus Salmon coil G2 S2? 2016-07-01
Hemphillia burringtoni Jumping-slug G1G2 S1S2? 2016-07-05
Hesperarion mariae Tillamook westernslug G3 S3 2009-05-05
Hesperia colorado oregonia Oregon branded skipper G5T3T4 S2 2013-06-18
Homoplectra schuhi Schuh's Homoplectran Caddisfly G3Q S3? 2016-06-24
Hoplistoscelis heidemanni Heidemann’s damsel bug G4 S2S3 2016-07-05
Juga sp. 1 Basalt juga G2 S2? 2019-06-05
Margaritifera falcata Western pearlshell G5 S3 2016-07-05
Megomphix lutarius Umatilla megomphix G1G2 S1S2 2022-11-11
Monadenia chaceana Chace sideband G2G3 S2S3 2011-11-08
Monadenia fidelis celeuthia Traveling sideband G4G5T2Q S2 2016-07-06
Monadenia fidelis columbiana Columbia sideband G4G5T2Q S2 2016-07-06
Monadenia fidelis minor Oregon snail (Dalles sideband) G4G5T2 S1S2 2011-10-25
Philotiella leona Leona's little blue butterfly G1G2 S1 2009-11-16
Physella cooperi Olive physa G3 SU 2010-07-20
Physella virginea Sunset physa G4 S1S2 2010-07-21
Plebejus saepiolus littoralis Coastal greenish blue G5T1T3 S1 2010-08-03
Polites mardon Mardon skipper G2 S2? 2022-11-09
Pristiloma crateris Crater Lake tightcoil G3 S3 2022-11-11
Pristiloma idahoense Thinlip tightcoil G2G3 S1? 2016-07-07
Pristiloma johnsoni Broadwhorl tightcoil G2G3 S3 2010-09-13
Pristinicola hemphilli Pristine springsnail G3 S3 2016-07-06
Prophysaon sp. 1 Klamath tail-dropper G2 S2 2016-07-07
Pterostichus johnsoni Johnson's waterfall carabid beetle GNR S3 2010-08-09
Pterostichus rothi Roth's blind carabid beetle G2? S2? 2013-06-18
Pyrgulopsis robusta Jackson Lake springsnail G5 S2S3 2016-07-07
Rhyacophila viquaea A Rhyacophilan Caddisfly G1G2 S1 2016-07-07
Scaphinotus mannii Mann's Mollusk-eating Ground Beetle G1G2 S1 2011-11-01
Speyeria coronis coronis Coronis fritillary G5T3T4 S2 2013-06-14
Speyeria cybele Great Spangled Fritillary G5 S4 2016-07-07
Vertigo andrusiana Pacific vertigo G2G3 S1 2016-07-07
Vespericola sierranus Siskiyou hesperian G2 S2? 2016-07-07