IWW Videos, Resources, & Reports

IWW Videos, Resources, & Reports



Oregon Water Data Portal: HB 5006 Funding Final Report and Portal Recommendations Stage 1 (June 2023)

State of Water Justice in Oregon (2022) 

Oregon Water Futures Project Report (2021)

Statewide Water Roundtables Fall 2008: Synthesis Report - click on "download PDF" for the full report 



Beneath the Same Sky (trailer 2) - Forthcoming sequel to Water Before Anything

Stormwater Solutions: A Documentary Film (2016)

50th Anniversary of the Institute for Water and Watersheds (formerly known as the Oregon Water Resources Research Institute) (2011)

Water Before Anything: Crisis and Transformation – Umatilla Groundwater (2009) 



Oregon Water Atlas (2017)

Water Quality Map. This map highlights water pollution issues in the Willamette River system. It was produced by the Corvallis Environmental Center and the Institute for Water and Watersheds and published in August of 2008. The map can be downloaded as a PDF -- map front, descriptive text from map back. Contact Todd Jarvis for a free copy (postage may apply).

Willamette River Basin Atlas - beautiful atlas of maps and natural resources information, prepared in 2002 by the Pacific Northwest Ecosystem Research Consortium.