
General Mapping Tools

Oregon Explorer

Access the list of all of the tools the Oregon Explorer program has created.

Oregon Explorer Natural Resources Digital Library

Oregon Explorer Map Viewer. With hundreds of map layers available to draw from, you can use the Oregon Explorer Map Viewer to make your own custom map and share it with others. 

Thematic Tools

Oregon Explorer

Access the list of all of the tools the Oregon Explorer program has created.

Oregon Explorer Thematic Tools


Invasive Species

iMapInvasives. iMapInvasives is an online, GIS-based invasive species reporting and querying tool. It is focused on the need for land managers, regional planners, and others who are working to prevent, control, or manage invasive species to have locational information for where invasive species can be found. To access point distribution maps, view detailed observation records, enter sightings online, run reports and queries, and otherwise take full advantage of the iMapInvasives site, you will need to sign up for a free login. More information about iMapInvasives can be found at the iMapInvasives informational website.