Ranking Documentation

Tables of Results: Vascular Plants  |  Fungi and Lichen  |  Vertebrates   |  Invertebrates

Introduction to Natural Heritage Ranks

One of the Oregon Biodiversity Information Center's tasks is to rank rare species in Oregon according to how at risk they are in Oregon. For endemic species and those for which we have ranking responsibility, we also assess species' status on a global scale. The conservation status ranks for the species on the linked pages below were assigned following NatureServe's protocol on species assessment. An explanation of the methodology, a description of the factors being assessed, and the spreadsheet calculator tool can be viewed and downloaded from NatureServe's Rank Calculator website. The calculator version used for these evaluations is noted in the footer of the document; if there is no footer the version was 2.0. For a brief description of the meaning of the rank codes, see our Rare Species Ranking Definitions page.

Ranks are assigned as a couplet, one for the global level and one for the state/Oregon level. If only the global ranking form is available, then the species is an Oregon endemic and the state rank and information will be the same. If only the state ranking form is available, then the species occurs outside of Oregon as well and Oregon does not have global ranking authority. The global ranks for these species therefore reflect the published values in the current Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species of Oregon list, and global ranking authority rests with another state or with NatureServe.

Many of the vascular plant species have also been assessed for vulnerability to climate change using NatureServe's Climate Change Vulnerability Index calculator. Where it has been calculated, the score from the CCVI is listed in the "Climate Vulnerability" column of the table. This rank informs the "threats" section of the Element Rank Calculator, and provides a measure of how vulnerable a species is to negative impacts from predicted climate change. See NatureServe's Climate Change Vulnerability Index page for more information or to download a copy of the calculator.

The element ranks assigned to the species under the Survey and Manage Assessment project (completed in 2004) followed a similar protocol as the NatureServe Element Ranking methodology but the calculator tool had not been developed at that time. The ranks in the tables linked above supercede all other previous ranks for a given species.

As time allows more species will have their ranks documented and published in these tables, please check back periodically for updates.

Survey and Manage Archive

 Survey and Manage Assessment (ARCHIVED from 2004)

This is an archived project. There may be more recent Rank Assessments available for these species on our Rank Documentation page; any documents there supercede the Survey and Manage reviews.

Return to the Oregon Biodiversity Information Center Ranking Documentation.

To assist in their Environmental Impact Statement related to the Survey and Manage Program, in 2004 the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service asked the Oregon Biodiversity Information Center to rank all 312 of the Survey and Manage Species. These include fungi, lichens, mosses, snails, plants and animals which were considered to possibly be at risk due to their association with old-growth forests.

For this project, ORBIC and private and OSU scientists worked with NatureServe, the Washington Natural Heritage Program, and the California Natural Diversity Database to develop standard global and national ranks for all the survey and manage species. Individual state ranks for California, Oregon and Washington were developed for each state in which they are found. We contracted with the experts in all of the groups whenever possible, and had the ranks reviewed locally and nationally.

The results of these assessments are available in the table below. Each rank was developed by evaluating the species abundance, distribution, vulnerability, threats, and how well it is currently protected. A summary form is available for each rank (Global, Oregon, California, and Washington) given to each species.

Other Available Data

Survey and Manage Rank Documentation 2004 ARCHIVED DATA

Global Scientific Name Global Rank CA Rank OR Rank WA Rank USA Rank ORNHIC List 2004
Acanthophysium farlowii G3?   S1? S1? N3 ORNHIC - List 3
Albatrellus avellaneus G2 S1 S1? S2? N2 ORNHIC - List 1
Albatrellus caeruleoporus G3? S1 S1 S1 N3 ORNHIC - List 3
Albatrellus ellisii G4 S2 S2S3 S2? N4 ORNHIC - List 4
Albatrellus flettii G4 S2 S4 S3. N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Alpova alexsmithii G2   S2 S1 N2 ORNHIC - List 1 
Alpova olivaceotinctus G2G3 S2 S1   N2N3 ORNHIC - List 3
Arcangeliella camphorata G2   S2 S2 N2 ORNHIC - List 1
Arcangeliella crassa G2G4 S2S4 S1   N2N4 ORNHIC - List 3
Arcangeliella lactarioides G2G3 S2 S1   N2N3 ORNHIC - List 3
Asterophora lycoperdoides G3G5 S3 S3 S3 N3N5 ORNHIC - Not Listed 
Asterophora parasitica G3G5 S3 S3 S3 N3N5 ORNHIC - Not Listed 
Baeospora myriadophylla G2G4 S1S3   S2 N2N4 Not in Oregon
Balsamia nigrens G3 S2 S2   N3 ORNHIC - List 3
Boletus haematinus G2G3 S2? SP S1 N2N3 Not in Oregon
Boletus pulcherrimus G2G3 S2 S2 S2 N2N3 ORNHIC - List 1
Bondarzewia mesenterica G4? S3? S4 S4? N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Bridgeoporus nobilissimus G2? S2 S2? S2 N2 ORNHIC - List 1
Cantharellus subalbidus G4 S4 S4 S4 N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Catathelasma ventricosa G3G4 S2S4 S2S4 S2S3 N3N4 ORNHIC - List 3
Chalciporus piperatus G4 S4 S4 S4 N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Chamonixia caespitosa GU S1S2 S1 S1S3 NU ORNHIC - List 2
Choiromyces alveolatus G3 S2S3 S2 S1 N3 ORNHIC - List 3
Choiromyces venosus G4 S1 S1   N2 ORNHIC - List 2
Chroogomphus loculatus GUT1Q   S2   NU ORNHIC - List 1
Chrysomphalina grossula G2G4 SI S1? S2? N2N4 ORNHIC - List 3
Clavariadelphus ligula G5 S2 S4 S3 N3N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Clavariadelphus occidentalis G5 S4 S4 S2? N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Clavariadelphus sachalinensis G5 SU S3 S2? N4 ORNHIC - List 3
Clavariadelphus subfastigiatus G3? S1S2 S2? S1? N3? ORNHIC - List 3
Clavariadelphus truncatus G5 S4 S4 S4 N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Clavulina castaneopes var. lignicola GUT3 S2? S2? S2? NUT3 ORNHIC - List 3
Clitocybe senilis G3G4Q   S3? S2S3 N3N4Q ORNHIC - List 3
Clitocybe subditopoda G3G4 S1S3 S1S3 S1S3 N3N4 ORNHIC - List 3
Collybia bakerensis G4 S4 S4 S3? N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Collybia racemosa G2G3 S1S2 S1S2 S1S2 N2N3 ORNHIC - List 3
Cordyceps ophioglossoides G3G4 S3S4 S3S4 S3S4 N3 ORNHIC - List 3 
Cortinarius barlowensis G3? S2S3 S2 S3 N3? ORNHIC - List 2
Cortinarius boulderensis G2G4 S1S3 S2S4 S2S4 N2N4 ORNHIC - List 3
Cortinarius cyanites G3G4 SH S2S3 S1? N3 ORNHIC - List 3
Cortinarius depauperatus G3G4Q S1S3 S1S3 S1S3 N3Q ORNHIC - List 3
Cortinarius magnivelatus G3 S3 S3   N3 ORNHIC - List 3
Cortinarius olympianus G4? S3 S4 S4? N4?  ORNHIC - Not Listed
Cortinarius speciosissimus G4     S2S3 N4 Not in Oregon
Cortinarius tabularis GU     SU NU Not in Oregon
Cortinarius umidicola G2?     S1 N2?   Not in Oregon
Cortinarius valgus G3G4 S2S3 S3 S3 N3N4 ORNHIC - List 3
Cortinarius variipes G2G3   SP S3 N2N3 Not in Oregon
Cortinarius verrucisporus G3G4 S3 S2S3 S1S2 N3N4 ORNHIC - List 3
Cortinarius wiebeae G2   S2   N2 ORNHIC - List 3
Craterellus tubaeformis G5? S4? S4S5 S4 N5?  ORNHIC - Not Listed
Cudonia monticola G3 S1 S2S3 S2 N3 ORNHIC - List 3
Cyphellostereum laeve G4   S1 S1S3 N1N3 ORNHIC - List 2
Dermocybe humboldtensis G1G2 S1? S1   N1N2 ORNHIC - List 1
Destuntzia fusca G2 S2 S1   N2 ORNHIC - List 3
Destuntzia rubra G2 S2 SH   N2 ORNHIC - List 1
Dichostereum boreale G4? SU SU S2S4 N4?   ORNHIC - Not Listed
Elaphomyces anthracinus G3   S1   N3 ORNHIC - List 3
Elaphomyces subviscidus G2G3   S1S2   N2N3 ORNHIC - List 3
Endogone acrogena G1G3     S1S2 N1N3 Not in Oregon
Endogone oregonensis G2G3   S2   N2N3 ORNHIC - List 3 
Entoloma nitidum G5 S1S3   S1S3 N4N5 Not in Oregon
Fayodia bisphaerigera GUQ SU SU SU NUQ ORNHIC - Not Listed
Fevansia aurantiaca G1   S1   N1 ORNHIC - List 3
Galerina atkinsoniana G4 SU S4 S4 N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Galerina cerina G4 SU S4 SU N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Galerina heterocystis GUQ SU SU SU NUQ ORNHIC - Not Listed
Galerina sphagnicola G3G4       N3 Not in Oregon
Gastroboletus imbellus GU   SUSH   NU ORNHIC - List 1
Gastroboletus ruber G3 S1S2 S3 S3 N3 ORNHIC - List 3
Gastroboletus subalpinus G4 S3 S4   N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Gastroboletus turbinatus G4 S4 S4 S4 N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Gastroboletus vividus G2? S1S2 S1   N2? ORNHIC - List 1
Gastrosuillus amaranthii GHQ SH     NHQ Not in Oregon
Gastrosuillus umbrinus G1Q S1     N1Q Not in Oregon
Gautieria magnicellaris G3G5 SU SU   N3N5 ORNHIC - List 3 
Gautieria otthii G3G5 SU SU SU N3N5 ORNHIC - List 3 
Gelatinodiscus flavidus G3   S2 S2 N3 ORNHIC - List 3
Glomus radiatum G2G4 S1S3 S1S3 S1S3 N2N3 ORNHIC - List 3 
Gomphus bonarii G3?Q S3? S2? S2? N3Q?   ORNHIC - List 3
Gomphus clavatus G4 S4? S4 S4? N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Gomphus kauffmanii G2G4 S3? S3? S3? N2N4 ORNHIC - List 3
Gymnomyces abietis G3G4 S3S4 S3S4 S1S2 N3N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Gymnomyces nondistincta G1   S1   N1 ORNHIC - List 1
Gymnopilus punctifolius G3G4 S2? S3 S3 N3N4 ORNHIC - List 3
Gyromitra californica G4 S2 S2 S3 N4 ORNHIC - List 2
Hebeloma olympianum G1G2     S1S2 N1N2  Not in Oregon
Helvella crassitunicata G3   S2 S3 N3 ORNHIC - List 2
Helvella elastica G4 S2 S3 S3 N3 ORNHIC - List 3
Hydnotrya inordinata G2 S1 S2   N2 ORNHIC - List 3
Hydnotrya subnix G1     S1 N1 Not in Oregon
Hydropus marginellus G3 S1S2 S2 S3 N3 ORNHIC - List 3
Hygrophorus caeruleus G2G3 SH S2 S1 N2N3 ORNHIC - List 2
Hygrophorus karstenii G4     SH NH Not in Oregon
Hygrophorus vernalis G2 S1   S1 N2 Not in Oregon
Hypomyces luteovirens G4   S3 S3 N4 ORNHIC - List 3
Leucogaster citrinus G3G4 S1S2 S3S4 S2S4 N4 ORNHIC - List 3
Leucogaster microsporus G3 S1S2 S3 S3 N3 ORNHIC - List 4
Macowanites chlorinosmus G3? S2 S3 S2 N3? ORNHIC - List 3
Macowanites lymanensis G1G2     S1S2 N1N2 Not in Oregon
Macowanites mollis G1G2   S1 S1S2 N1N2 ORNHIC - List 1 
Marasmius applanatipes G1G3 S1S3     N1N3 Not in Oregon
Martellia fragrans G2G3 S1S2 S1S3   N2N3 ORNHIC - List 1
Martellia idahoensis G2G3   S1   N2N3 ORNHIC - List 1
Mycena hudsoniana G3   S1S2 S3 N3 ORNHIC - List 3
Mycena overholtsii G2G4 S2S4 S2S4 S2S4 N2N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Mycena quinaultensis G3 S2S3 S2S4 S3 N3 ORNHIC - List 3
Mycena tenax G3G4 S3S4 S2S3 S3S4 N3N4 ORNHIC - List 3
Mythicomyces corneipes G2G4   S2? S2? N2N4 ORNHIC - List 2
Neolentinus adhaerens G2G3     S1 N2? Not in Oregon
Neolentinus kauffmanii G4 S4 S4 S4 N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Nivatogastrium nubigenum G4 S4 S4   N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Octavianina cyanescens G2? S1S2 S1S2   N2? ORNHIC - List 3
Octavianina macrospora GH   SH   NH ORNHIC - List 1
Octavianina papyracea GH SH     NH Not in Oregon
Otidea leporina G5 S4 S4 S3S4 N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed 
Otidea smithii G2 S1 S2 S2 N2 ORNHIC - List 3
Phaeocollybia attenuata G3 S2? S3? S3? N3 ORNHIC - List 4
Phaeocollybia californica G2? S1? S2?   N2?  ORNHIC - List 1
Phaeocollybia dissiliens G2G3   S2S3   N2N3 ORNHIC - List 3
Phaeocollybia fallax G4? S3 S4? S4? N4?  ORNHIC - Not Listed
Phaeocollybia gregaria G1G2   S1S2   N1N2 ORNHIC - List 1
Phaeocollybia kauffmanii G4 S4 S4 S4? N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Phaeocollybia olivacea G2 S2 S2 SU N2 ORNHIC - List 1
Phaeocollybia oregonensis G2?   S2? S1 N2?  ORNHIC - List 1 
Phaeocollybia piceae G3? S1S2 S3? S3? N3?   ORNHIC - List 4
Phaeocollybia pseudofestiva G3 S2S3 S3? S2 N3   ORNHIC - List 3
Phaeocollybia scatesiae G3? S2? S3? S2? N3?  ORNHIC - List 3
Phaeocollybia sipei G3?   S3? SU N3? ORNHIC - List 3
Phaeocollybia spadicea G3G4 S2? S3? S2 N3N4 ORNHIC - List 3
Phellodon atratus G4 S4 S4 S3 N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Pholiota albivelata G3? S2? S3? S3 N3? ORNHIC - List 3
Podostroma  alutaceum G3G4 S2 S2 S2 N3 ORNHIC - List 3
Polyozellus multiplex G4 S1 S3 S3 N4?   ORNHIC - List 4
Pseudaleuria quinaultiana G2   S2 S2 N2 ORNHIC - List 3
Ramaria abietina G4 S3 S2? S2? N2 ORNHIC - List 3
Ramaria amyloidea G3 S2S3 S2? S2? N3 ORNHIC - List 2
Ramaria araiospora G4 S2S3 S4 S2S3 N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed 
Ramaria aurantiisiccescens G3 S2 S3 S2 N3 ORNHIC - List 4
Ramaria botryis var. aurantiiramosa GUT3 S2 S2? S2 NUT3 ORNHIC - List 3
Ramaria celerivirescens G4 S1S3 S4 S4 N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Ramaria claviramulata           Not a valid taxon
Ramaria concolor f. marrii GUT2T3Q S2   S1S2 NUT2T3Q Not in Oregon
Ramaria concolor f. tsugina GUT3?Q S2 S2? S2 NUT3?Q ORNHIC - List 3
Ramaria conjunctipes var. sparsiramosa GUT3 S3 S2? S2 NUT3 ORNHIC - List 3
Ramaria coulterae G2G3 S2 S2?   N3 ORNHIC - List 3
Ramaria cyaneigranosa G4 S2 S4 S3 N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Ramaria gelatiniaurantia G4 S3 S2? S3 N4 ORNHIC - List 3
Ramaria gracilis G4 S1S3 S2? S1S3 N4 ORNHIC - List 3
Ramaria hilaris var. olympiana GUT2Q     S1? NUT2Q Not in Oregon
Ramaria largentii G3 S3 S2? S3 N3 ORNHIC - List 3
Ramaria lorithamnus G2     S2 N2 Not in Oregon
Ramaria maculatipes G3 S2 S2? S2 N3 ORNHIC - List 3
Ramaria rainierensis G2 S1 S2 S2 N2 ORNHIC - List 3
Ramaria rubella var. blanda GUT3 S3 S1? S3 NUT3 ORNHIC - List 2
Ramaria rubribrunnescens G2G3 S1 S2? S1 N2N3 ORNHIC - List 3
Ramaria rubrievanescens G4 S3 S4 S3 N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Ramaria rubripermanens G4 S2S3 S4 S1S3 N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Ramaria spinulosa var. diminutiva GUT2 S1S2 S1? S1S2 NUT2 ORNHIC - List 1
Ramaria stuntzii G4 S1S2 S4 S2S3 N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Ramaria suecica G5   S2?   N4 ORNHIC - List 3
Ramaria thiersii G3 S2S3 S2?   N3 ORNHIC - List 3
Ramaria verlotensis G1G2 S2   S1 N1N2 Not in Oregon
Rhizopogon abietis G2G4 S1S3 S1S3   N2N4 ORNHIC - List 3 
Rhizopogon atroviolaceus G2G3   S2S3   N2N3 ORNHIC - List 3 
Rhizopogon brunneiniger G2G3 S1S3 S1S3   N2N3 ORNHIC - List 3
Rhizopogon chamaleontinus G1G2   S1S2   N1N2 ORNHIC - List 1
Rhizopogon ellipsosporus G1G3 S1S2 S1S3   N1N3 ORNHIC - List 1
Rhizopogon evadens var. subalpinus G3G4 S1S2 S3S4 S2S4 N3N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Rhizopogon exiguus G1G3   S1S2 S1S3 N1N3 ORNHIC - List 1 
Rhizopogon flavofibrillosus G2G3 S1S2 S2   N2N3 ORNHIC - List 3 
Rhizopogon inquinatus G2G4   S1S2   N2N4 ORNHIC - List 2 
Rhizopogon truncatus G4 S2S4 S3   N4 ORNHIC - List 4
Rhodocybe speciosa G1G3     S1S3 N1N3 Not in Oregon
Rickenella swartzii G4 S1S3 S1? S2S4 N4 ORNHIC - List 3
Russula mustelina G4 S2S4   SU N3 Not in Oregon
Sarcodon fuscoindicus G3 S2 S2S3 S2 N3 ORNHIC - List 3
Sedecula pulvinata G3 S2     N3 Not in Oregon
Sowerbyella rhenana G3G4 S2 S3 S1 N3 ORNHIC - List 3
Sparassis crispa G4 S2S4 S4 S4 N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Spathularia flavida G4G5 S2 S3 S2 N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Stagnicola perplexa G2G4   S1S2 S1S2 N2N4 ORNHIC - List 2
Thaxterogaster pavelekii G2   S2 S1S2 N2 ORNHIC - List 1
Tremiscus helvelloides G4G5 S4 S4 S3 N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Tricholoma venenatum GUQ S3?   SU NUQ Not in Oregon
Tricholomopsis fulvescens G2G3 S1 SH S1S2 N2N3 ORNHIC - List 2
Tuber asa G3 S1 S1   N3 ORNHIC - List 3
Tuber pacificum G2   S1   N2 ORNHIC - List 3
Tylopilus porphyrosporus G4 S4 S4 S4 N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Bryoria pseudocapillaris G1G2 S1 S1 S1 N1N2 ORNHIC - List 1
Bryoria spiralifera G1 S1 S1   N1 ORNHIC - List 1
Bryoria subcana G2G4 S1 S2 S1 N2N3 ORNHIC - List 2
Bryoria tortuosa G5 S2 S5 S3 N5 ORNHIC - Not listed
Buellia oidalea G3? S3 S1 S1 N3? ORNHIC - List 3
Calicium abietinum G4G5 S1S2 S3 S2S3 N4 ORNHIC - List 4
Calicium adspersum G3G4 S1 S1 S1 N2N3 ORNHIC - List 2
Calicium glaucellum G4G5 S3 S4 S4 N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Calicium viride G4G5 S3 S4 S4 N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Cetrelia cetrarioides G4G5   S2S3 S2 N4 ORNHIC - List 3
Chaenotheca chrysocephala G4G5 S2S4 S4 S4 N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Chaenotheca ferruginea G4G5 S1S3 S3 S4 N4 ORNHIC - List 4
Chaenotheca furfuracea G4G5 S2S3 S3 S3 N4 ORNHIC - List 3
Chaenotheca subroscida G3G4 S2 S2S3 S2 N3 ORNHIC - List 3
Chaenothecopsis pusilla G4G5Q S2 S2 S2 N3Q ORNHIC - List 3
Cladonia norvegica G4G5   S2S3 S2 N2N3 ORNHIC - List 3
Collema nigrescens G5? S3 S4S5 S1 N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Dendriscocaulon intricatulum G3G4Q S1 S4 S2 N4Q ORNHIC - Not listed
Dermatocarpon luridum G4G5 S1 S1S2 S1S2 N4 ORNHIC - List 3
Fuscopannaria pacifica G5? S4S5 S3S4 S4S5 N5 ORNHIC - Not listed
Heterodermia sitchensis G2G3   S1   N1N2 ORNHIC - List 2
Hypogymnia duplicata G4   S2 S3 N4 ORNHIC - List 3
Hypogymnia vittata G4G5   SNA SNA N3 ORNHIC - Not listed
Hypotrachyna revoluta G4G5 S1S2 S1 S1 N4 ORNHIC - List 2
Leptogium hirsitum (= L. burnetiae var. hirsutum) G5?   S1 S1 N4 ORNHIC - List 3
Leptogium cyanescens G5 S1 S2 S1 N4 ORNHIC - List 3
Leptogium rivale G3G5 SH S3 S1 N3 ORNHIC - List 4
Leptogium teretiusculum G4G5 S1 S2?   N4 ORNHIC - List 3
Lobaria linita G4G5 S1 S1 S3 N3 ORNHIC - List 2
Lobaria oregana G4G5 S2 S4 S3S4 N4 ORNHIC - Not listed
Microcalicium arenarium G4G5   S1 S1 N3N4 ORNHIC - List 2
Nephroma bellum G3G5 S1 S3S4 S2 N3N4 ORNHIC - Not listed
Nephroma isidiosum G3G4       N3 Not in Oregon
Nephroma occultum G3   S3 S1 N3 ORNHIC - List 4
Niebla cephalota G1G3 S1S2 S1S2 S1 N1N3 ORNHIC - List 2
Pannaria rubiginosa G4G5 S1 S2 S1 N4 ORNHIC - List 2
Pannaria saubinetii G3G5 S1? SU S1? N2 ORNHIC - Not listed
Peltigera pacifica G3   S3? S2? N2N3 ORNHIC - Not listed
Platismatia lacunosa G3G4 S1 S3 S2 N3 ORNHIC - List 3
Pseudocyphellaria perpetua G2G4   S2S3   N2N3 ORNHIC - List 3
Pseudocyphellaria rainierensis G3G4   S3 S3 N3N4 ORNHIC - List 4
Pyrrhospora quernea G4 S2 S2S3 S1S2 N4 ORNHIC - List 3
Ramalina pollinaria G4G5 S1S3 S1 S1 N4 ORNHIC - List 2
Ramalina thrausta G3G4   S3 S1 N3 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Stenocybe clavata G3 SP S3 SP N3 ORNHIC - List 4
Teloschistes flavicans G4G5 S1 S1   N4 ORNHIC - List 2
Tholurna dissimilis G3G5 S1 S2 S2 N3 ORNHIC - List 2
Usnea hesperina G4G5 S1? S1S2 S1? N4 ORNHIC - List 3
Usnea longissima G3G4 S2 S2 S2 N3 ORNHIC - List 3
Brotherella roellii G2     SH N1 Not in Oregon
Buxbaumia viridis G3G4 S1 S3S4 S3S4 N3N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed.
Diplophyllum albicans G5   S4 S4 N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Diplophyllum plicatum G4   S2 S2 N3 ORNHIC - List 2
Encalypta brevicolla var. crumiana G4T1   S1 SH N1 ORNHIC - List 1
Herbertus aduncus G5   S1 S1 N3N4 ORNHIC - List 2
Iwatsukiella leucotricha G2G3   S1 S2 N2 ORNHIC - List 2
Kurzia makinoana G2G3Q S1 S1 S1 N2Q ORNHIC - List 2
Marsupella emarginata var. aquatica G5T3   S1   N3 ORNHIC - List 2
Orthodontium gracile G5 S2S3 S1   N2N3 ORNHIC - List 2
Ptilidium californicum G3G4 S2S3 S4 S4 N3N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Racomitrium aquaticum G3Q S1 S2 S2 N3Q ORNHIC - List 3
Rhizomnium nudum G4 SNA S2 S4 N4 ORNHIC - List 2
Schistostega pennata G3G4   S2 S3 N3N4 ORNHIC - List 2
Tetraphis geniculata G3 SNA S1 S3 N3 ORNHIC - List 2
Tritomaria exsectiformis G5   S2 S2 N4 ORNHIC - List 2
Tritomaria quinquedentata G5   S1 S1 N4 ORNHIC - List 2
Ancotrema voyanum G2 S2 SP   N2 Not in Oregon
Cryptomastix devia G2   S1 S2 N2 ORNHIC - List 1
Cryptomastix hendersoni G1G2   S1S2 S1 N1N2 ORNHIC - List 1
Deroceras hesperium G1   S1 S1 N1 ORNHIC - List 1
Fluminicola seminalis G2 S2 SP   N2 Not in Oregon
Fluminicola sp. 1 G1G2 S1S2 S1S2   N1N2 ORNHIC - List 1
Fluminicola sp. 11 G1   S1   N1 ORNHIC - List 1
Fluminicola sp. 14 G1G2 S1S2     N1N2 Not in Oregon
Fluminicola sp. 15 G1 S1     N1 Not in Oregon
Fluminicola sp. 16 G1 S1     N1 Not in Oregon
Fluminicola sp. 17 G1 S1     N1 Not in Oregon
Fluminicola sp. 18 G1 S1     N1 Not in Oregon
Fluminicola sp. 19 G1 S1     N1 Not in Oregon
Fluminicola sp. 2 G1   S1   N1 ORNHIC - List 1
Fluminicola sp. 20 G1 S1     N1 Not in Oregon
Fluminicola sp. 3 G1 S1 S1   N1 ORNHIC - List 1
Helminthoglypta hertleini G1 S1 S1 S1 N1 ORNHIC - List 1
Helminthoglypta talmadgei G2G3 S2S3     N2N3 Not in Oregon
Hemphillia burringtoni G1G2   SRF S1S2 N1N2 Not in Oregon
Hemphillia glandulosa G3   S2 S2S3 N3 ORNHIC - List 2
Hemphillia malonei G3   S3 S1S2 N3 ORNHIC - List 4
Hemphillia pantherina G1     S1 N1 Not in Oregon
Juga (o.) n. sp. 2 G1   S1   N1 ORNHIC - List 1
Juga (o.) n. sp. 3 G1G2 S1S2     N1N2 Not in Oregon
Juga sp. 2 G1   S1   N1 ORNHIC - List 1
Juga sp. 3 G2 SU S1 S1 N2 ORNHIC - List 1
Lyogyrus sp. 1 G2   S2 S2 N2 ORNHIC - List 1
Lyogyrus sp. 2 G1   S1 S1 N1 ORNHIC - List 1
Lyogyrus sp. 3 G1 S1     N1 Not in Oregon
Megomphix hemphilli G3 SH S3 S2S3 N3 ORNHIC - List 4
Monadenia chaceana G1Q S1 S1   N1 ORNHIC - List 1
Monadenia fidelis klamathica G4G5T1 S1 SU   N1 Not in Oregon
Monadenia fidelis minor G4G5T1 SRF S1 S1 N1 ORNHIC - List 1
Monadenia fidelis ochromphalus G4G5T2 S2 SU   N2 Not in Oregon
Monadenia troglodytes troglodytes G1G2T1 S1     N1 Not in Oregon
Monadenia troglodytes wintu G1G2T1 S1     N1 Not in Oregon
Oreohelix sp. 1 G1     S1 N1 Not in Oregon
Pristiloma arcticum crateris G4T1   S1 S1 N1 ORNHIC - List 1
Prophysaon coeruleum G4 S1S3 S3 S2 N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Trilobopsis roperi G1 S1     N1 Not in Oregon
Trilobopsis tehamana G1 S1     N1 Not in Oregon
Vertigo sp. 1 G1     S1 N1 Not in Oregon
Vespericola pressleyi G1 S1     N1 Not in Oregon
Vespericola shasta G1 S1     N1 Not in Oregon
Vorticifex klamathensis sinitsini G1QT1   S1   N1 ORNHIC - List 1
Vorticifex sp. 1 G1 S1     N1 Not in Oregon
     Wildlife (Vertebrates)            
Arborimus longicaudus G3G4 S1 S3S4   N3N4 ORNHIC - List 4 
Arborimus longicaudus silvicola G3G4T1Q   S1   N1 ORNHIC - List 1 
Arborimus longicaudus longicaudus G3G4T3T4 S1 S3S4   N3N4 ORNHIC - List 4 
Hydromantes shastae G1 S1     N1 Not in Oregon
Plethodon larselli G3   S2 S3 N3 ORNHIC - List 2
Plethodon stormi G2G3Q S1S2 S2   N2N3 ORNHIC - List 1 
Plethodon vandykei G3     S3 N3 Not in Oregon
Strix nebulosa G5 S1 S3 S1B N4 ORNHIC - List 4
     Plants (Vascular)            
Arceuthobium tsugense mertensiana G5T3T4 S3S4 S3S4 S3S4 N3N4 ORNHIC - Not Listed
Bensoniella oregana G3 S2.2 S3   N3 ORNHIC - List 1
Botrychium minganense G4 S1.3 S3 S4 N4 ORNHIC - List 4
Botrychium montanum G3G4 S1 S2 S3S4 N3N4 ORNHIC - List 2
Coptis aspleniifolia G5     S2 N3N4 Not in Oregon
Coptis trifolia G5   S1 S1 N4 ORNHIC - List 2
Corydalis caseana ssp. aquae-gelidae G5T3   S3 S2S3 N3 ORNHIC - List 1
Cypripedium fasciculatum G4 S3.2 S3 S3 N4 ORNHIC - List 2
Cypripedium montanum G4 S4 S3S4 S4 N4 ORNHIC - List 4
Eucephalus vialis G3 S1 S3   N3 ORNHIC - List 1
Galium kamtschaticum G5     S3 N4 Not in Oregon
Platanthera orbiculata G5T4     S3 N4 Not in Oregon


Dropped Taxa

Survey and Manage taxa evaluated and dropped in the annual review process before the 2002-2003 Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Global rank, Oregon rank, and Oregon List was updated for the 2004 Rare, Threatened and Endangered Species of Oregon publication. Only Oregon and Global Status are included here. California and Washingon Status were not evaluated for these taxa.



     Fungi Global Rank OR Rank ORNHIC List  
Bryoglossum gracile G4 S1 ORNHIC - List 3  
Chromosera cyanophylla G4 S3S4 ORNHIC - Not Listed  
Cordyceps capitata G4 S3 ORNHIC - Not Listed  
Galerina vittaeformis G4 S3S4 ORNHIC - Not Listed  
Gyromitra infula G4 S3S4 ORNHIC - Not Listed  
Gyromitra melaleucoides G4 S3S4 ORNHIC - Not Listed  
Mycena monticola G3 S3 ORNHIC - Not Listed  
Calicium adaequatum G4 S4 ORNHIC - Not Listed  
Chaenotheca brunneola G4 S3 ORNHIC - Not Listed  
Cyphelium inquinans G4 S4 ORNHIC - Not Listed  
Erioderma sorediatum G4 S2 ORNHIC - List 2  
Heterodermia leucomelos G2G3 S2S3 ORNHIC - List 2  
Kaernefeltia californica G3 S3 ORNHIC - Not Listed  
Leioderma sorediatum G4 S1 ORNHIC - List 2  
Leptogium brebissonii G5 S2 ORNHIC - List 2  
Leptogium saturninum G5 S3 ORNHIC - Not Listed  
Mycocalicium subtile G5 S3 ORNHIC - Not Listed  
Peltigera neckeri G4 S3 ORNHIC - Not Listed  
Pilophorus nigricaulis G3 S2 ORNHIC - List 2  
Stenocybe major G4 S3 ORNHIC - List 4  
Sticta arctica G4 S1 ORNHIC - List 2  
Bartramiopsis lescurii G4   Not in Oregon  
Douinia ovata G4 S3 ORNHIC - Not Listed  
Herbertus sakuraii G4 S1 ORNHIC - List 2  
Plagiochila semidecurrens var alaskana (originally P. semidecurrens) G4T3 S1 ORNHIC - List 2  
Radula brunnea G3 S1 ORNHIC - List 2  
Scouleria marginata G3 S1 ORNHIC - List 3  
     Vascular Plants        
Pedicularis howellii G4 S2S3 ORNHIC - List 2