Link to webinars, presentations, and tool tutorials from events and meetings involving INR and IWW. Additional presentations may be posted to INR Biblio.
Presentations about fisher research at the 66th Annual Meeting of the Western Section of The Wildlife Society, Fish Camp, California, February 2019.
The Mid and North Coast Water Monitoring Summit, held February 28 and March 1, 2018 in Newport, Oregon.
iMapInvasives Q&A Panel (2021).
Trees to Tap: Forest Management and Community Drinking Water (2021). This virtual conference reviewed the Trees to Tap Science Review using a mix of science presentations given by the project scientists and management presentations given by forestry and water professionals, regulators and conservationists. Science presentations gave a high-level summary of the Trees to Tap findings in each topic covered. Management presentations provided an overview which was followed by practical discussion of how to account for the report's scientific findings in practice. Video Links: March 2021 Trees to Tap Conference recording page with the video links embedded.
Stage 0 Restoration Workshop (2020). The workshop was open to discussion of all types of restoration actions focused on restoring Stage 0 conditions, but was primarily focused on outcomes and monitoring of larger-scale projects that utilized heavy equipment to move large amounts of sediment into incised channels from adjacent terraces to reset the valley floor and increase floodplain connection. Video links:
Stage 0 Workshop: Day 1 Sessions I & II - Stage 0 Background/Overview, and Challenges & Uncertainties
Stage 0 Workshop: Day 2 Current Monitoring and Evolving Knowledge & Communication Network/Process