Today the Willamette River Basin’s vegetation is predominately a mix of grasslands and croplands in the valley floor and coniferous forest in the uplands. This vegetation mix is expected to change as rising temperatures create a less-favorable climate for existing vegetation and as forest fires increase in frequency and intensity. WW2100 upland forest modeling simulated how climate change is likely to affect forest composition, forest area burned by wildfires, and the resulting impact on timber harvest and evapotranspiration. Our results suggest that climate change will become an increasing influence on forest management decisions throughout the 21st century. In our simulations, low snowpack and hotter, drier summers lead to a two- to nine-times increase in land area burned by forest wildfires. The fires open up lands to transition to new forest types better suited to the changing climate. At high elevations, cool conifer forests replace subalpine forests. At mid-elevations, Douglas-fir and western hemlock forest types shift to mixed forest types. Increases in wildfire reduce the availability of forestland for timber harvest and affect hydrology.
The forest modeling team developed component models for Willamette Envision that simulate how upland forests will age and change through time, given forest type, climate conditions, and disturbance by wildfire and harvest. Here we provide a brief explanation of forest modeling in Willamette Envision. For full details on methods and results from WW2100 forest modeling studies, refer to Turner et al. (2015, 2016).
On an annual basis, Willamette Envision determines the forest type and age in each modeling polygon based on information from models of forest growth and succession (called forest state-and-transition models, STMs). The STMs determine the sequence of forest types that occur over time. In the simplest case, the forest progresses from new growth following a disturbance, through different successional stages, and ultimately to an old growth forest state. Depending on the type and timing of disturbances, forest growth and succession can follow alternate pathways specified by different STMs. When a disturbance occurs, the forest can also “reset” to a new forest type better suited to the current climate conditions. These new “potential” vegetation types were determined for the three WW2100 climate scenarios using offline runs of a dynamic global vegetation model called MC2. MC2 simulates wildfire occurrence and simulates the type of vegetation best suited to grow at a location based on climate, soil, elevation, and latitude.
Willamette Envision simulates forest harvest on the landscape, according to criteria defined for each scenario. For example, a scenario can specify a harvest rate (the total area of forest harvested each year) for specific forest age classes and land ownership categories (e.g., private lands with forests older than 40 years). Over the simulation, Willamette Envision randomly selects modeling polygons that meet the criteria for harvest. Users can also prescribe the extent of wildfire (the forest area burned per year), and Envision places fires randomly on the landscape. In WW2100, the extent of wildfire was determined from historical observations and the offline runs of MC2 for the three WW2100 climate scenarios. MC2 takes into account factors such as air temperature, relative humidity, and ensuing forest moisture conditions, and determines the area of forests that burn each year. Hotter, drier conditions lead to more extensive wildfires.
Additional Modeling Details:
The initial condition of the landscape, which classifies different species of vegetation, and state and transition models (STMs) were based on work from the Integrated Landscape Assessment Project (ILAP) (Halofsky et al., 2014; INR, 2013). Boundaries for land ownership and protection status were from the US Geological Survey (GAP, 2014).
Harvest rates in the Reference Case scenario were based on the observed harvest rate from 1986-2010 in the Willamette River Basin (Kennedy et al., 2010; Kennedy et al., 2012). These Landsat-based observations suggested a harvest rate of 1.3% per year across all private forestland, equivalent to ~11,740 hectares per year (29,000 acres) and 0.5% per year on public lands, equivalent to ~3,240 hectares per year (8,006 acres). Harvest on public lands was limited to unreserved stands with ages between 40-80 years, since older forests are largely conserved for wildlife on public lands.
The initial probability of fire in the Reference Case scenario were based on observations of the Landsat record (Kennedy et al., 2012), and we did not stratify by ownership class. Over the 1986-2010 period, 0.2% per year of forestland area was burned in the Willamette River Basin. The future extent of fire was based on the MC2 results, thus capturing the increasing incidence of fire associated with a warming climate. Annual area burned was input to Willamette Envision, and fires were placed randomly on the landscape. Fire size was 22,500 ha except when only a fraction of that was needed to reach the prescribed total area burned.
From the valley floor east to the crest of the Cascade Range, air temperatures decrease and precipitation increases as elevation rises (Fig. 1). These gradients drive a change from maritime conifer to cool needleleaf forest and ultimately to subalpine conifer forest. This vegetation mix is expected to change as rising temperatures create a less-favorable climate for existing vegetation and as forest fires increase in frequency and intensity. Here we highlight some of the key findings from WW2100 forest modeling. For more detailed analysis, refer to Turner et al. (2015, 2016).
Figure 1. The Willamette River Basin study domain: a) Vegetation cover and conifer age class, b) Elevation. (Figure from Turner, 2015)
Figure 2. Total area burned in the Willamette Basin: a) LowClim, b) Reference, c) HighClim.
Figure 3. Area harvested per year (public and private) in three Willamette Water 2100 modeling scenarios: a) LowClim, b) Reference, c) HighClim. (Figure from Turner, 2015)
Plant species in the Northern Hemisphere are moving to higher latitudes and elevations in response to climate change. These climate-induced shifts in vegetation are due primarily to rising temperatures, as plant species migrate to areas with temperatures ranges they are adapted to. This shift in vegetation, already observed in the Northwest, is expected to continue under climate change. WW2100’s forest team produced the following findings concerning vegetation shifts and climate change for the Willamette River Basin:
Figure 4. Time series for potential vegetation cover type proportions of the Willamette River Basin uplands: a) LowClim, b) Reference, c) HighClim. (Figure from Turner, 2015)
Figure 5. Vegetation distribution in 2100 for the Reference scenario: a) Potential Vegetation Cover type (from MC2), a) Actual Vegetation Cover type (from Envision). (Figure from Turner, 2015)
The recent climate in the western U.S. is already warmer than in previous decades, and increases in tree mortality have been linked to climate change. Spatially explicit landscape simulation of potential and actual vegetation could be particularly effective in adaptation efforts. Using climate observations, stands in different locations could be regularly assessed for the degree to which the vegetation type is out of equilibrium with the local climate, and hence at risk for attack by pests and pathogens. The most vulnerable stands could be prioritized for thinning or harvest.
Dynamic global vegetation models (DGVMs) driven by the latest downscaled climate data could provide resource managers with guidance on what type of vegetation to replant after a disturbance. Our results support the conclusion that climate change will become an increasing influence on forest management decisions throughout the 21st century. The projected increase in the risk of fire points to investments in fire management.
Turner, D. P., Conklin, D. R., Vache, K. B., Schwartz, C., Nolin, A. W., Chang, H., ... & Bolte, J. P. (2016). Assessing Mechanisms of Climate Change Impact on the Upland Forest Water Balance of the Willamette River Basin, Oregon. Ecohydrology.
Turner, D. P., Conklin, D. R., & Bolte, J. P. (2015). Projected climate change impacts on forest land cover and land use over the Willamette River Basin, Oregon, USA. Climatic Change, 133(2), 335-348.
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Turner, D. P., Conklin, D. R., Vache, K. B., Schwartz, C., Nolin, A. W., Chang, H., ... & Bolte, J. P. (2016). Assessing Mechanisms of Climate Change Impact on the Upland Forest Water Balance of the Willamette River Basin, Oregon. Ecohydrology.
Turner, D. P., Conklin, D. R., & Bolte, J. P. (2015). Projected climate change impacts on forest land cover and land use over the Willamette River Basin, Oregon, USA. Climatic Change, 133(2), 335-348.
Web page authors: D. Turner, N. Gilles
Page last updated: September 2016