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O. Hickman E, Christy JA.  2014.  Historical vegetation of the Tiller area, Douglas County, Oregon, based on GLO survey notes.. Report to Douglas County Commissioners, Roseburg, Oregon.. :80.
O. Hickman E, Christy JA.  2011.  Historical vegetation of central southwest Oregon, based on GLO survey notes : final report to USDI Bureau of Land Management, Medford District.
Christy JA, Gaddis PK.  2015.  Historical and existing vascular and bryophyte flora, former Blue Heron Paper Mill, Willamette Falls, Oregon City, Oregon. Oregon Biodiversity Information Center Report.
Christy JA.  2002.  Historic vegetation of the Tualatin River Basin.. Exploring the Tualatin River Basin: a Nature and Recreation Guide.. :144.
Najafi M.R, Moradkhani H..  2014.  A hierarchical Bayesian approach for the analysis of climate change impact on runoff extremes. Hydrological Processes. 28:6292-6308.
Gaines L, Kagan JS.  2006.  The Heritage Program: 25 Years Old and Looking Ahead Assessing the Future of the Heritage Program: Final Report.
Institute for Natural Resources, Oregon State University Libraries.  2009.  Hazards Explorer.
Williams J.  2014.  Habitat relationships of native and non-native fishes of the Willamette River, Oregon. Fisheries and Wildlife. MS:123.
Christy JA.  2012.  Habitat Changes in the Region, 1850-2010. Biodiversity Guide for the Greater Portland-Vancouver Region. :17-21.
Sproles EA, Roth TR, Nolin AW.  2017.  Future snow? A spatial-probabilistic assessment of the extraordinarily low snowpacks of 2014 and 2015 in the Oregon Cascades The Cryosphere. 11:10.
Gray AN, Hubner D, Lettman G, McKay N, Thompson J.  2016.  Forests, Farms & People: Land Use Change on Non-Federal Land in Oregon, 1974-2014.
Creutzburg MK, Scheller RM, Lucash MS, LeDuc SD, Johnson MG.  2017.  Forest management scenarios in a changing climate: trade-offs between carbon, timber, and old forest. Ecological Applications. 27(2):15.
Gleason KE.  2015.  Forest fire effects on radiative and turbulent fluxes over snow: Implications for snow hydrology. Geography. PhD:202.
Lach D, Sanford S, Ham CL.  2006.  Fleet and Owner-Operator Capacity for Utilizing Idle Reduction Technology: A Report to the US Environmental Protection Agency.
Institute for Natural Resources, Oregon Department of Forestry.  2004.  Fire Prevention Working Group.
Institute for Natural Resources, Oregon Department of Forestry.  2004.  Fire Prevention Coverage Working Group.
Christy JA, McCain CN, Greene SE, Lippert J.D..  2014.  Fire effects in a montane wetland, central Cascade Range, Oregon. Madroño. 61:201-217.
Jaeger W.K, Amos AL, Bigelow DP, Chang H, Conklin DR, Haggerty R., Langpap C, Moore KM, Mote PW, Nolin AW et al..  2017.  Finding water scarcity amid abundance using human–natural system models. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Hartwell R, Aylward B, Van Dis K, Lurie SD, Duncan S, Ewing A.  2010.  Financing Mechanisms that Advance Ecosystem Service Markets and Promote Rural Sustainability.
Aylward B, Hartwell R, Lurie SD, Duncan S.  2009.  Financing Ecosystem Service Markets: Issues and Opportunities.
