Found 312 results
Author Title [ Type(Asc)] Year
Burcsu T, Halofsky JS, Bisrat SA, Christopher TA, Creutzburg MK, Henderson EB, Hemstrom MA.  2012.  Chapter 2: Dynamic Vegetation Modeling of Forest, Woodland, Shrubland, and Grassland Vegetation Communities in the Pacific Northwest and Southwest Regions of the United States.
Lurie SD, Duncan S, McCune M.  2012.  Bringing the River Back: Working with Landowners on Willamette River Restoration.
Olander L, Johnston RJ, Tallis H, Kagan JS, Maguire L, Polasky S, Urban D, Boyd JE, Wainger L, Palmer M.  2015.  Best Practices for Integrating Ecosystem Services into Federal Decision Making.
Institute for Natural Resources, EcoAdapt.  2016.  Available Science Assessment Project: Prescribed Fire and Climate Change in Northwest National Forests. Report to the Department of the Interior’s Northwest Climate Science Center.
Gregg R.M., Reynier W., Gaines L, Behan J.  2018.  Available Science Assessment Process (ASAP): Sea Level Rise in the Pacific Northwest and Northern California. Report to the Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center.
Kagan JS, Borsuk M, Calder R, Creutzburg MK, Mason S, Olander L, Plantinga A.J., Robinson C.  2019.  Assessing Ecosystem Service Benefits from Military Installations. Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program, Project Number: RC18-1604.
Vickerman S, Kagan JS.  2014.  Assessing ecological integrity across jurisdictions and scales. Workshop Paper. :38.
Behan J, Crawford S, Kleiner E.  2005.  Applying Systematic Evidence Reviews in Oregon Forest Policy: Opportunities and Challenges.
Johnson RL, Steigerwald D, Cappaert M.  2002.  Analysis of Boater Pass Data on the Deschutes River.
O’Brien S, Gaines L.  2011.  Adding climate change to the mix: using climate futures in conservation planning for Oregon’s oak-dominated habitats - Eugene, Oregon April 26-27, 2011.
Institute for Natural Resources.  2016.  2015 Year in Review. INR Report.
Institute for Natural Resources.  2005.  2004-2005 Annual Report.
Institute for Natural Resources.  2004.  2003-2004 Annual Report.
Newspaper Article
Hockaday S., Jarvis W. T, Taha F..  2017.  Serious Gaming in Water.
