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Olen B, Wu JJ, Langpap C.  2015.  Irrigation Decisions for Major West Coast Crops: Water Scarcity and Climate Determinants. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 98(1):21.
Olen B.  2012.  Irrigation choices for major West Coast crops : water scarcity and climatic determinants. Applied Economics. MS
INR Staff.  2013.  Introduction to the Institute for Natural Resources.
De Stefanis L.  2013.  An Interview with Richard Whitman.
Monden T.  2022.  Internship with the Institute for Natural Resources. Louis Stokes Alliance & Minority Participation-Institute for Sustainable Solutions Climate Resilience Internship Program, Poster Presentation.
Halofsky JE, Creutzburg MK, Hemstrom MA.  2014.  Integrating Social, Economic, and Ecological Values Across Large Landscapes. Pacific Northwest General Technical Report. :216.
Jarvis W. T.  2012.  Integrating Groundwater Boundary Matters into Catchment Management.. The Dilemma of Boundaries: Toward a New Concept of Catchment.
Duncan S, McComb B.C, Johnson K.N.  2010.  Integrating ecological and social ranges of variability in conservation of biodiversity: past, present, and future.. Ecology and Society. 15(1)
Gaines L, Hemstrom MA, Kagan JS, Salwasser J.  2013.  Integrated Landscape Assessment Project Final Report. :54.
Jarvis W. T.  2015.  The Institute for Water & Watersheds Annual Technical Report FY 2014. National Institutes for Water Resources.
Gaines L, Lurie SD.  2007.  Innovation in Environmental Streamlining and Project Delivery: The Oregon State Bridge Delivery Program Final Report.
Garcia ES, Tague CL, Choate JS.  2013.  Influence of spatial temperature estimation method in ecohydrologic modeling in the Western Oregon Cascades. Water Resources Research. 49:1611-1624.
SB202 Task Force.  2016.  Independent Science Reviews for Natural Resources in the State of Oregon.
Wise LK.  2016.  iNaturalist and iMapInvasives: Partners in Early Detection of Invasive Species. iMapInvasives Blog Post.
Wise L.  2021.  Improving and Making Use of iNaturalist Data. Pacific Northwest Citizen Science Summit.
Institute for Natural Resources, Oregon State University Libraries.  2007.  Imagery Explorer.
