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Peck JLE, Christy JA.  2006.  Putting the stewardship concept into practice: Commercial moss harvest in Northwestern Oregon, USA. Forest Ecology and Management. 225(1-3):225-233.
Oregon Department of Forestry, Institute for Natural Resources.  2005.  Protection from Fire Program Review: Implementation Plan.
Institute for Natural Resources, Oregon Department of Forestry.  2005.  Protection from Fire Program Review: Final Report.
Olander L, Urban D, Johnston RJ, Van Houtven G, Kagan JS.  2016.  Proposal for Increasing Consistency When Incorporating Ecosystem Services into Decision Making. National Ecosystem Services Partnership Policy Brief.
Turner DP, Conklin DR, Bolte JP.  2015.  Projected climate change impacts on forest land cover and land use over the Willamette River Basin, Oregon, USA. Climatic Change. 133(2):335–348.
Institute for Natural Resources.  2005.  Proceedings of Scientific and Policy Workshops to Inform the Columbia River Nearshore Beneficial Use Project. Scientific Workshop to Inform the Columbia River Nearshore Beneficial Use Project.
Achterman G, Williamson K, Lundy J, Klingeman PC, Jarvis W. T.  2005.  Preliminary Summary of Aggregate Mining in Oregon with Emphasis in the Willamette River Basin.
Institute for Natural Resources.  2008.  A Preliminary Examination of the Environmental Use of Plants in Oregon: Final Project Report.
Bisrat SA, White MA, Beard KH, Cutler RD.  2011.  Predicting the distribution potential of an invasive frog using remotely sensed data in Hawaii. Diversity and Distributions.
Dinsmore SJ, Lauten DJ, Castelein KA, Gaines EP, Stern MA.  2014.  Predator exclosures, predator removal, and habitat improvement increase nest success of Snowy Plovers in Oregon, USA. The Condor: Ornithological Applications. 116:619-628.
Environmental Law Institute, Institute for Natural Resources, NatureServe, Resources for the Future, Cambridge Systematics, Inc..  2011.  A Practitioner’s Handbook: Optimizing Conservation and Improving Mitigation Through the Use of Progressive Approaches.
Institute for Natural Resources.  2005.  Port of Portland: Long Term Environmental Goals Briefing Document.
Robinson CJ, Margerum RD, Koontz TM, Moseley C, Lurie SD.  2011.  Policy-Level Collaboratives for Environmental Management at the Regional Scale: Lessons and Challenges From Australia and the United States. Society & Natural Resources. 24(8):849-859.
Achterman G, Aylward B, Duncan S, LaRocco G, Primozich D, Vickerman S.  2008.  Policy Cornerstones and Action Strategies for an Integrated Ecosystem Marketplace in Oregon.
Kane R.  2004.  Plant-based Research and Application in the Northwest.
Kanaga MK, Latta LC, Mock KE, Ryel RJ, Lindroth RL, Pfrender ME.  2009.  Plant genotypic diversity and environmental stress interact to negatively affect arthropod community diversity. Arthropod-Plant Interactions. 3(4):249-258.
Nielsen EM, Noone MD, Kagan JS, Lee MT.  2013.  Pine Creek Conservation Area: 2013 Mapping and Monitoring Report. :138.
Burnett KM, Giannico GR, Behan J.  2008.  A Pilot Test of Systematic Review Techniques: Evaluating Whether Wood Placements in Streams of the Pacific Northwest Affect Salmonid Abundance, Growth, Survival or Habitat Complexity.
Institute for Natural Resources, Oregon State University Libraries.  2006.  Phase 1 Scoping for Oregon Orthoimagery Portal Application Project Completion Report.
