Found 312 results
Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Journal Article
Christy JA, Alverson ER, Thomas D.W..  2015.  Huperzia miyoshiana (Makino) Ching new to Oregon, U.S.A.. American Fern Journal. 105:56-58.
Caruso P., Ochoa C.G., Jarvis W. T, Deboodt T..  2019.  A Hydrogeologic Framework for Understanding Local Groundwater Flow Dynamics in the Southeast Deschutes Basin, Oregon, USA. Geosciences. 9
Garcia ES, Tague CL, Choate JS.  2013.  Influence of spatial temperature estimation method in ecohydrologic modeling in the Western Oregon Cascades. Water Resources Research. 49:1611-1624.
Duncan S, McComb B.C, Johnson K.N.  2010.  Integrating ecological and social ranges of variability in conservation of biodiversity: past, present, and future.. Ecology and Society. 15(1)
Olen B, Wu JJ, Langpap C.  2015.  Irrigation Decisions for Major West Coast Crops: Water Scarcity and Climate Determinants. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 98(1):21.
Kagan JS, Ohmann JL, Gregory M, Tobalske C.  2008.  Land Cover Map for Map Zones 8 and 9 Developed from SAGEMAP, GNN, and SWReGAP: A Pilot for NWGAP. Gap Analysis Bulletin. (15)
Noone MD, Murray MP.  2012.  Mapping Whitebark Pine at Crater Lake National Park. Nutcracker Notes. (23)
Green DS, Martin ME, Powell RA, McGregor EL, W. Mourad G, Pilgrim KL, Schwartz MK, Matthews SM.  2022.  Mixed-severity wildfire and salvage logging affect the populationsof a forest-dependent carnivoran and a competitor. Ecosphere. 13(1):e03877.
Binkley D., Duncan S.  2009.  The past and future of Colorado’s forests: connecting people and ecology.. 14. 2
Gabriel MW, Woods LW, Wengert GM, Stephenson N, J. Higley M, Thompson C, Matthews SM, Sweitzer RA, Purcell K, Barrett RH et al..  2015.  Patterns of Natural and Human-Caused Mortality Factors of a Rare Forest Carnivore, the Fisher (Pekania pennanti) in California. PLoS ONE. 10(11)
Nolin AW.  2012.  Perspectives on Climate Change, Mountain Hydrology, and Water Resources in the Oregon Cascades, USA. Mountain Research and Development. 32:S35-S46.
Kanaga MK, Latta LC, Mock KE, Ryel RJ, Lindroth RL, Pfrender ME.  2009.  Plant genotypic diversity and environmental stress interact to negatively affect arthropod community diversity. Arthropod-Plant Interactions. 3(4):249-258.
Robinson CJ, Margerum RD, Koontz TM, Moseley C, Lurie SD.  2011.  Policy-Level Collaboratives for Environmental Management at the Regional Scale: Lessons and Challenges From Australia and the United States. Society & Natural Resources. 24(8):849-859.
Dinsmore SJ, Lauten DJ, Castelein KA, Gaines EP, Stern MA.  2014.  Predator exclosures, predator removal, and habitat improvement increase nest success of Snowy Plovers in Oregon, USA. The Condor: Ornithological Applications. 116:619-628.
Bisrat SA, White MA, Beard KH, Cutler RD.  2011.  Predicting the distribution potential of an invasive frog using remotely sensed data in Hawaii. Diversity and Distributions.
Turner DP, Conklin DR, Bolte JP.  2015.  Projected climate change impacts on forest land cover and land use over the Willamette River Basin, Oregon, USA. Climatic Change. 133(2):335–348.
Peck JLE, Christy JA.  2006.  Putting the stewardship concept into practice: Commercial moss harvest in Northwestern Oregon, USA. Forest Ecology and Management. 225(1-3):225-233.
Kanaga MK, Ryel RJ, Mock KE, Pfrender ME.  2008.  Quantitative-genetic variation in morphological and physiological traits within a quaking aspen ( Populus tremuloides ) population. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 38(6):1690-1694.
Mitchell R.J, Duncan S.  2009.  Range of variability in southern coastal plain forests: its historical, contemporary, and future role in sustaining biodiversity. Ecology and Society. 14(1)
Tullos D, Walter C, Vache KB.  2020.  Reservoir Operational Performance Subject to Climate and Management Changes in the Willamette River Basin. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management.
Gabrielli C.P., McDonnell J.J, Jarvis W. T.  2012.  The role of bedrock groundwater in rainfall–runoff response at hillslope and catchment scales. Journal of Hydrology. 450-451:117-133.
Jarvis W. T.  2018.  Scientific Mediation Through Serious Gaming Facilitates Transboundary Groundwater Cooperation. Water Resources IMPACT. 20(3):2.
Jaeger W.K, Amos AL, Conklin DR, Langpap C, Moore KM, Plantinga A.J..  2019.  Scope and limitations of drought management within complex human-natural systems. Nature Sustainability.
Vano JA, Kim JB, Rupp DE, Mote PW.  2015.  Selecting climate change scenarios using impact-relevant sensitivities. Geophysical Research Letters. 42:5516-5525.
J. Farrar D, Kotaich AA, Lauten DJ, Castelein KA, Gaines EP.  2012.  Snowy Plover Buried Alive by Wind-blown Sand. Western Birds. 43(3):189-191.
