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Noone MD, Murray MP.  2012.  Mapping Whitebark Pine at Crater Lake National Park. Nutcracker Notes. (23)
Noone MD, Kagan JS, Nielsen EM.  2013.  Western Juniper (Juniperus occidentalis) and Invasive Annual Grass Mapping in Eastern Oregon. :57.
Noone MD, Sader SA, Legaard KR.  2012.  Are Forest Disturbance Rates and Composition Influenced by Changing Ownerships, Conservation Easements, and Land Certification? Forest Science. 58(2):119–129.
Nolin AW.  2012.  Perspectives on Climate Change, Mountain Hydrology, and Water Resources in the Oregon Cascades, USA. Mountain Research and Development. 32:S35-S46.
Nolin AW, Sproles EA, Brown A.  2012.  Climate change impacts on snow and water resources in the Columbia, Willamette, and McKenzie River Basins, USA: A nested watershed study. Transboundary River Governance in the Face of Uncertainty : The Columbia River Treaty: A Project of the Universities Consortium on Columbia River Governance. :175-190.
Nielsen EM, Noone MD, Kagan JS, Lee MT.  2013.  Pine Creek Conservation Area: 2013 Mapping and Monitoring Report. :138.
Nielsen EM, Copass C, Brunner RL, Wise LK.  2021.  Mount Rainier National Park vegetation classification and mapping project report. National Park Service Natural Resource Report. :146pp.
Nielsen EM.  2022.  An economical and repeatable method for mapping shade cast on water channels. Institute for Natural Resources, Portland, Oregon. :32.
Nielsen EM, Noone MD.  2014.  Tree cover mapping for assessing greater sage-grouse habitat in Eastern Oregon. INR Report. :10.
Nielsen EM, Copass C., Brunner RL, Wise LK.  2021.  Olympic National Park vegetation classification and mapping project report. National Park Service Natural Resource Report. :146pp.
Nielsen EM, Copass C, Brunner RL, Wise LK.  2021.  North Cascades National Park Complex vegetation classification and mapping project report. National Park Service Natural Resource Report. :144pp.
Nielsen E.  2023.  Willow abundance and condition mapping in Rocky Mountain National Park. Institute for Natural Resources, Portland, Oregon.
Neumann PE.  2012.  Shallow aquifer storage and recovery (SASR): Regional management of underground water storage in hydraulically connected aquifer-stream systems. Water Resources Science. MS:37.
Neumann PE.  2012.  Shallow aquifer storage and recovery (SASR): Regional management of underground water storage in hydraulically connected aquifer-stream systems. :37.
Najafi M.R, Moradkhani H..  2014.  A hierarchical Bayesian approach for the analysis of climate change impact on runoff extremes. Hydrological Processes. 28:6292-6308.
Moore KM.  2015.  Optimizing reservoir operations to adapt to 21st century expectations of climate and social change in the Willamette River Basin, Oregon. Geography. PhD:183.
Monden T.  2022.  Internship with the Institute for Natural Resources. Louis Stokes Alliance & Minority Participation-Institute for Sustainable Solutions Climate Resilience Internship Program, Poster Presentation.
Mitchell R.J, Duncan S.  2009.  Range of variability in southern coastal plain forests: its historical, contemporary, and future role in sustaining biodiversity. Ecology and Society. 14(1)
McClure A.  2022.  Data Management, Input, and Mining of Pinus Albicaulis and Other Native Oregon Plant Species for INR. Louis Stokes Alliance & Minority Participation-Institute for Sustainable Solutions Climate Resilience Internship Program.
McCain CN, Christy JA.  2005.  Field Guide to Riparian Plant Communities in Northwestern Oregon.
