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Export 312 results:
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Journal Article
Sproles EA
Nolin AW
Rittger K.
Painter T.H
. 2012.
Climate change impacts on maritime mountain snowpack in the Oregon Cascades
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions. 9:13037-13081.
EndNote XML
Sproles EA
Nolin AW
Rittger K.
Painter T.H
. 2013.
Climate change impacts on maritime mountain snowpack in the Oregon Cascades
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 17:2581-2597.
EndNote XML
Jung I-W
Chang H
. 2012.
Climate change impacts on spatial patterns in drought risk in the Willamette River Basin, Oregon, USA
Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 108:355-371.
EndNote XML
Garcia ES
Tague C.L
. 2014.
Climate regime and soil storage capacity interact to effect evapotranspiration in western United States mountain catchments
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions. 11:2277-2319.
EndNote XML
Strong C
Neuman KK
Hutchinson JL
Clark AL
Chang L
Iwanicha J
Feucht E
Lau MJ
Lauten DJ
Markegard S
et al.
. 2021.
Common raven impacts on nesting western snowy plovers: integrating management to facilitate species recovery
Human-Wildlife Interactions. 15(478)
View PDF.
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Vinett MA
Jarvis W. T
. 2012.
Conflicts Associated with Exempt Wells: A Spaghetti Western Water War
Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education. 148(1):10-16.
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Hibbard M
Lurie SD
. 2011.
Creating socio-economic measures for community-based natural resource management: a case from watershed stewardship organisations
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. :1-20.
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Amos AL
. 2014.
Developing the law of the river: The integration of law and policy into hydrologic and socio-economic modeling efforts in the Willamette River Basin
The Kansas Law Review. 62:48.
EndNote XML
Salwasser J
Avery B
. 2010.
Developing the Oregon Explorer -- a Natural Resources Digital Library
Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship.
View Article
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Robinson J.
Jarvis W. T
Tullos D
. 2018.
Domestic Well Aquifer Storage and Recovery Using Seasonal Springs
Water Resources IMPACT. 19(5)
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Halofsky JS
Halofsky JE
Burcsu T
Hemstrom MA
. 2014.
Dry forest resilience varies under simulated climate-management scenarios in a central Oregon, USA landscape
Ecological Society of America. 24(8):1908-1925.
View Abstract
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Green DS
Matthews SM
Swiers RC
Callas RL
J. Yaeger S
Farber SL
Schwartz MK
Powell RA
. 2018.
Dynamic occupancy modelling reveals a hierarchy of competition among fishers, grey foxes and ringtails
Journal of Animal Ecology.
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EndNote XML
Ochoa C.G.
Caruso P.
Ray T.
Deboodt T.
Jarvis W. T
Guldan S.J.
. 2018.
Ecohydrologic Connections in Semiarid Watershed Systems of Central Oregon USA
Water. 10(2):19.
View PDF
EndNote XML
Achterman G
Gaines L
Kagan JS
. 2011.
Ecological Assessment Process and Credit System for Highway Capacity Projects
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2233(-1):128-134.
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EndNote XML
Reeves GH
Duncan S
. 2009.
Ecological history vs. social expectations: managing aquatic ecosystems.
Ecology and Society. 14(2)
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Rupp DE
Abatzoglou JT
Hegewisch KC
Mote PW
. 2013.
Evaluation of CMIP5 20th century climate simulations for the Pacific Northwest USA
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 118:10,884-10,906.
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Ferguson LB
Chan S
Santelmann M
Tilt B
. 2016.
Exploring participant motivations and expectations in a researcher-stakeholder engagement process: Willamette Water 2100
Landscape and Urban Planning. 157:447–456.
EndNote XML
Dinsmore SJ
Gaines EP
Pearson SF
Lauten DJ
Castelein KA
. 2017.
Factors affecting Snowy Plover chick survival in a managed population
The Condor: Ornithological Applications. 119(1):9.
Link to Abstract
EndNote XML
Jaeger W.K
Amos AL
Bigelow DP
Chang H
Conklin DR
Haggerty R.
Langpap C
Moore KM
Mote PW
Nolin AW
et al.
. 2017.
Finding water scarcity amid abundance using human–natural system models
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
EndNote XML
Christy JA
McCain CN
Greene SE
Lippert J.D.
. 2014.
Fire effects in a montane wetland, central Cascade Range, Oregon
Madroño. 61:201-217.
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Creutzburg MK
Scheller RM
Lucash MS
LeDuc SD
Johnson MG
. 2017.
Forest management scenarios in a changing climate: trade-offs between carbon, timber, and old forest
Ecological Applications. 27(2):15.
Link to Abstract
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Sproles EA
Roth TR
Nolin AW
. 2017.
Future snow? A spatial-probabilistic assessment of the extraordinarily low snowpacks of 2014 and 2015 in the Oregon Cascades
The Cryosphere. 11:10.
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Najafi M.R
Moradkhani H.
. 2014.
A hierarchical Bayesian approach for the analysis of climate change impact on runoff extremes
Hydrological Processes. 28:6292-6308.
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Christy JA
Alverson ER
. 2011.
Historical Vegetation of the Willamette Valley, Oregon, circa 1850
Northwest Science. 85(2):93-107.
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Bigelow DP
Plantinga A.J.
Lewis DJ
Langpap C
. 2017.
How Does Urbanization Affect Water Withdrawals? Insights from an Econometric-Based Landscape Simulation
Land Economics. 93:413-436.
View Abstract
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