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Cooper M.G., Nolin AW, Safeeq M.  2016.  Testing the recent snow drought as an analog for climate warming sensitivity of Cascades snowpacks. Environmental Research Letters. 11(8)
Thompson J.R, Duncan S, Johnson K.N.  2008.  Is there potential for the historical range of variability to guide conservation given the social range of variability? Ecology and Society. 14(1)
Haddad T, Wright D, Dailey M, Klarin P, Marra J, Dana R, Revell D.  2005.  The Tools of the Oregon Coastal Atlas.
Jaeger W.K, Plantinga A.J., Chang H, Dello K., Grant G., Hulse D, McDonnell J.J, Lancaster S., Moradkhani H, Morzillo AT et al..  2013.  Toward a formal definition of water scarcity in natural-human systems. Water Resources Research. 49:4506–4517.
Bigelow DP, Plantinga A.J..  2017.  Town mouse and country mouse: Effects of urban growth controls on equilibrium sorting and land prices. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 65:11.
Jarvis W. T.  2014.  Transboundary Governance of Groundwater and Aquifers –- You Can’t Separate One From the Other. Water Resources IMPACT. 16(6):6-9.
Jarvis W. T.  2019.  Transboundary Hydro-Governance: From Conflict to Shared Management. Groundwater.
Ferguson LB, Chan S, Santelmann M, Tilt B.  2018.  Transdisciplinary research in water sustainability: What’s in it for an engaged researcher-stakeholder community? Water Alternatives. 11(1)
Gaines L, Achterman G.  2006.  Transportation and the Environment: A Research Agenda for Oregon: Final Report.
Nielsen EM, Noone MD.  2014.  Tree cover mapping for assessing greater sage-grouse habitat in Eastern Oregon. INR Report. :10.
