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Pavlis D.  2023.  Native plant conservation along Oregon's coast. Beyond Your Front Door Northwest.
Interview with INR Botany Program Manager Gabriel Campbell. Listen to recording.
Peck JLE, Christy JA.  2006.  Putting the stewardship concept into practice: Commercial moss harvest in Northwestern Oregon, USA. Forest Ecology and Management. 225(1-3):225-233.
Salwasser J, Murray-Rust C.  2002.  Assessing the Need for a Natural Resources Digital Library. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship.
Salwasser J, Avery B.  2010.  Developing the Oregon Explorer -- a Natural Resources Digital Library. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship.
Salwasser H, Norris LA, Nicholas J.  2002.  Expressing Oregon Environmental Benchmarks in Ecological Terms: Recommendations to the Oregon Progress Board.
Santelmann M, McDonnell J.J, Bolte JP, Chan S, Morzillo AT, Hulse D.  2012.  Willamette Water 2100: river basins as complex socio-ecological systems. Sustainable City VII. 155:575-586.
SB202 Task Force.  2016.  Independent Science Reviews for Natural Resources in the State of Oregon.
Souder J.A., Tomaro L.M., Giannico GR, Behan J.  2018.  Ecological Effects of Tide Gate Upgrade or Removal: A Literature Review and Knowledge Synthesis. Report to Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board. :136.
Sproles EA.  2012.  Climate change impacts on mountain snowpack presented in a knowledge to action framework. Water Resources Science. PhD:192.
Sproles EA, Nolin AW, Rittger K., Painter T.H.  2012.  Climate change impacts on maritime mountain snowpack in the Oregon Cascades. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions. 9:13037-13081.
Sproles EA, Nolin AW, Rittger K., Painter T.H.  2013.  Climate change impacts on maritime mountain snowpack in the Oregon Cascades. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 17:2581-2597.
Sproles EA, Roth TR, Nolin AW.  2017.  Future snow? A spatial-probabilistic assessment of the extraordinarily low snowpacks of 2014 and 2015 in the Oregon Cascades The Cryosphere. 11:10.
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