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Butler G, Cummings E, Harrison J, Overdevest J, Salas J, Comfort E, Eliis T, MacFarland K, Pfeiffer V, Smedstad J et al..  2010.  Ecosystem Services from Family Forestlands.
Burnett KM, Giannico GR, Behan J.  2008.  A Pilot Test of Systematic Review Techniques: Evaluating Whether Wood Placements in Streams of the Pacific Northwest Affect Salmonid Abundance, Growth, Survival or Habitat Complexity.
Burcsu T, Halofsky JS, Bisrat SA, Christopher TA, Creutzburg MK, Henderson EB, Hemstrom MA.  2012.  Chapter 2: Dynamic Vegetation Modeling of Forest, Woodland, Shrubland, and Grassland Vegetation Communities in the Pacific Northwest and Southwest Regions of the United States.
Burcsu T, Kagan JS.  2011.  Mapping Conservation Opportunity Areas for The Intertwine's Regional Conservation Strategy.
Buechling A, Alverson ER, Kertis J, Fitzpatrick G.  2008.  Classification of Oak Vegetation in the Willamette Valley. :71.
Brunner R, Nielsen E, Copass C.  2017.  A data-driven method for assembling map classes from vegetation associations in WA State National Parks. Ecological Society of America.
Brophy LS, Cornu C.E., Adamus PR, Christy JA, Doumbia J.A., Tully R.L..  2011.  New tools for tidal wetland restoration: development of a reference conditions database and a temperature sensor method for detecting tidal inundation in least-disturbed tidal wetlands of Oregon, USA.. :199.
Brophy LS, Cornu C.E., Adamus PR, Christy JA, Doumbia J.A., Tully R.L..  2011.  User’s guide to the temperature sensor method for determining tidal inundation regime..
Bolick Z.  2013.  Michael P. Nelson: The Ecological Philosopher.
Blackmore D, Chang H.  2015.  A Geospatial Tool for Wetland Prioritization at the Watershed Scale. INR Report. :57.
Bisrat SA, White MA, Beard KH, Cutler RD.  2011.  Predicting the distribution potential of an invasive frog using remotely sensed data in Hawaii. Diversity and Distributions.
Binkley D., Duncan S.  2009.  The past and future of Colorado’s forests: connecting people and ecology.. 14. 2
Bigelow DP.  2015.  How do population growth, land-use regulations, and precipitation patterns affect water use? A fine-scale empirical analysis of landscape change Applied Economics. PhD:199.
Bigelow DP, Plantinga A.J., Lewis DJ, Langpap C.  2017.  How Does Urbanization Affect Water Withdrawals? Insights from an Econometric-Based Landscape Simulation Land Economics. 93:413-436.
Bigelow DP, Plantinga A.J..  2017.  Town mouse and country mouse: Effects of urban growth controls on equilibrium sorting and land prices. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 65:11.
Bernell D, Behan J, Shelby B.  2003.  Recreational Placer Mining in the Oregon Scenic Waterways System.
Bernell D, Behan J.  2003.  Oregon Scenic Waterways System: A Review and Assessment.
Behan J, Gaines L, Kagan JS, Klein M, Wainger L.  2017.  Outcome Measures for Habitat and Recreation Acquisition and Regulations: A Science-based Review. :122p..
Behan J.  2004.  Salmon Anchor Habitats in Tillamook and Clatsop State Forests, Oregon: Science, Policy, and Economics: An Annotated Bibliography.
Behan J.  2004.  Salmon Anchor Habitats in Northwest Oregon State Forests: A Review of the Policy-Making Process.
Behan J, Lynn K.  2004.  Report of the Forest Fuels and Hazard Mitigation Committee to the Oregon Department of Forestry and the Oregon Fire Program Review.
Behan J, Crawford S, Kleiner E.  2005.  Applying Systematic Evidence Reviews in Oregon Forest Policy: Opportunities and Challenges.
Barns TM.  2010.  The Oregon Explorer Experience: An Internship with a Statewide Geospatial Atlas.
