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Peck JLE, Christy JA.  2006.  Putting the stewardship concept into practice: Commercial moss harvest in Northwestern Oregon, USA. Forest Ecology and Management. 225(1-3):225-233.
Pavlis D.  2023.  Why we should care about Western Snowy Plovers. Radio broadcast, KXWC Community Radio.
Interview with INR staff David Lauten and Kathleen Castelein. Aired Thursday April 5th, 2023. Listen to broadcast.
Pavlis D.  2023.  Native plant conservation along Oregon's coast. Beyond Your Front Door Northwest.
Interview with INR Botany Program Manager Gabriel Campbell. Listen to recording.
Parametrix, Inc., Venner Consulting, Institute for Natural Resources.  2012.  Expedited Planning and Environmental Review of Highway Projects. :122.
O’Brien S, Gaines L.  2011.  Adding climate change to the mix: using climate futures in conservation planning for Oregon’s oak-dominated habitats - Eugene, Oregon April 26-27, 2011.
O’Brien S, Lev E, Gaines L.  2010.  Workshop on Estuaries, Climate Change, and Conservation Planning Oregon Coast Aquarium, Newport, Oregon, November 18-19, 2010.
OSU Chemical Engineering Department, Oregon Wood Innovation Center.  2007.  Oregon Biofuels and Biomass: Woody Biomass in Oregon - Current Uses, Barriers and Opportunities for Increased Utilization, and Research Needs.
OSU Chemical Engineering Department, Institute for Natural Resources, Environmental Strategies, LLC, Council NEnvironmen.  2007.  Oregon Biofuels and Biomass: Potential Project Survey Including Regulatory Barriers.
Oregon State University.  2004.  Scientific Consensus Statement on the Likely Impacts of Climate Change on the Pacific Northwest.
Oregon Department of Forestry, Institute for Natural Resources.  2005.  Protection from Fire Program Review: Implementation Plan.
Oregon Biodiversity Information Center.  2016.  Rare, Threatened and Endangered Species of Oregon.
Oregon Biodiversity Information Center.  2019.  Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species of Oregon - 2019. Institute for Natural Resources, Portland State University, Portland, OR.. :133pp..
Olen B, Wu JJ, Langpap C.  2015.  Irrigation Decisions for Major West Coast Crops: Water Scarcity and Climate Determinants. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 98(1):21.
Olen B.  2012.  Irrigation choices for major West Coast crops : water scarcity and climatic determinants. Applied Economics. MS
Olander L, Characklis GW, Comer PJ, Effron M, Gunn J, Holmes T, Johnston RJ, Kagan JS, Lehman W, Loomis J et al..  2017.  Data and Modeling Infrastructure for National Integration of Ecosystem Services into Decision Making: Expert Summaries. National Ecosystem Services Partnership Working Paper.
