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Mason, Burce & Girard, Inc., Forest Econ, Inc., Institute for Natural Resources, Northwest Economic Research Center, PSU.  2012.  National Forest Health Restoration: An Economic Assessment of Forest Restoration on Oregon's Eastside National Forests.
Christy JA.  2004.  Native Freshwater Wetland Plant Associations of Northwestern Oregon.
Pavlis D.  2023.  Native plant conservation along Oregon's coast. Beyond Your Front Door Northwest.
Interview with INR Botany Program Manager Gabriel Campbell. Listen to recording.
Lurie SD, Hibbard M.  2011.  The New Natural Resource Economy.. 6(1):5-10.
Duncan S.  2010.  The New Natural Resource Economy: Water, Markets, Opportunities.
Brophy LS, Cornu C.E., Adamus PR, Christy JA, Doumbia J.A., Tully R.L..  2011.  New tools for tidal wetland restoration: development of a reference conditions database and a temperature sensor method for detecting tidal inundation in least-disturbed tidal wetlands of Oregon, USA.. :199.
Institute for Natural Resources.  2008.  Non-equilibrium Ecosystem Dynamics: Management Implications for Oregon.
Nielsen EM, Copass C, Brunner RL, Wise LK.  2021.  North Cascades National Park Complex vegetation classification and mapping project report. National Park Service Natural Resource Report. :144pp.
Institute for Natural Resources.  2005.  North Coast Basin Prototype Website: Project Completion Report.
Institute for Natural Resources.  2005.  North Coast Explorer: A North Coast Basin Prototype Website for Natural Resource Information Management.
Nielsen EM, Copass C., Brunner RL, Wise LK.  2021.  Olympic National Park vegetation classification and mapping project report. National Park Service Natural Resource Report. :146pp.
Kagan JS, Boyd JE, Wilkinson J, Howie S, Womble P, Potter J.  2011.  Optimizing Conservation and Improving Mitigation Cost/Benefit (NCHRP 25-25/Task 67).
Environmental Law Institute, NatureServe, Institute for Natural Resources, Resources for the Future, Cambridge Systematics, Inc..  2011.  Optimizing Conservation and Improving Mitigation Cost/Benefit: Task 3: Comparison of the Ecological and Economic Outcomes of Traditional vs. Programmatic, Multi-Resource Based Approach.
Environmental Law Institute, NatureServe, Institute for Natural Resources, Resources for the Future, Cambridge Systematics, Inc..  2010.  Optimizing Conservation and Improving Mitigation Cost/Benefit: Task 2: Evaluation and Selection of Approaches.
Environmental Law Institute, NatureServe, Institute for Natural Resources, Resources for the Future, Cambridge Systematics, Inc..  2010.  Optimizing Conservation and Improving Mitigation Cost/Benefit: Task 1: Literature Review and Interviews.
Moore KM.  2015.  Optimizing reservoir operations to adapt to 21st century expectations of climate and social change in the Willamette River Basin, Oregon. Geography. PhD:183.
Gaines L, Lurie SD, Ewing A.  2009.  Oregon BEST Biobased Products Rural Outreach Project.
OSU Chemical Engineering Department, Institute for Natural Resources, Environmental Strategies, LLC, Council NEnvironmen.  2007.  Oregon Biofuels and Biomass: Potential Project Survey Including Regulatory Barriers.
OSU Chemical Engineering Department, Oregon Wood Innovation Center.  2007.  Oregon Biofuels and Biomass: Woody Biomass in Oregon - Current Uses, Barriers and Opportunities for Increased Utilization, and Research Needs.
Gaines L, Walsh K, Risien J.  2011.  The Oregon Coastal and Marine Data Network Workshop, June 6-7, 2011.
Achterman G, Davis-Born R, Gaines L, Rolston I.  2005.  Oregon Coastal Community Water Supply Assessment.
Barns TM.  2010.  The Oregon Explorer Experience: An Internship with a Statewide Geospatial Atlas.
Wise LK.  2015.  Oregon iMapInvasives Data Leads to Treatment of Two New Noxious Weed Sites. iMapInvasives Blog Post.
Draheim R, Fiegener R, Gaines L.  2015.  Oregon Invasive Species Council Review. Final Report submitted to The Oregon Invasive Species Council and the Oregon Department of Agriculture. :37pages.
Institute for Natural Resources, Oregon State University, Portland State University, University of Oregon, Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development, USFS Pacific Northwest Research Station.  2008.  The Oregon Land Use Program: An Assessment of Selected Goals.
