Found 312 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Christy JA, Wagner DH, Kofranek D.  2019.  Checklist of Mosses of Oregon, 2019. Institute for Natural Resources, Portland, Oregon. :39.
Kagan JS, Brunner RL, Christy JA.  2019.  Classification of native vegetation of Oregon - 2019. Institute for Natural Resources, Portland State University, Portland, OR. :109pp.
Lauten DJ, Castelein KA, J. Farrar D, Krygsman E, Michishita S, Gaines EP.  2019.  The Distribution and Reproductive Success of the Western Snowy Plover along the Oregon Coast - 2019.
Alpert P, Kagan JS.  2019.  Evaluation of Lanphere / Ma-le'l Dunes, Humbolt County, California. Oregon Biodiversity Information Center, Institute for Natural Resources. :77.
Caruso P., Ochoa C.G., Jarvis W. T, Deboodt T..  2019.  A Hydrogeologic Framework for Understanding Local Groundwater Flow Dynamics in the Southeast Deschutes Basin, Oregon, USA. Geosciences. 9
Oregon Biodiversity Information Center.  2019.  Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species of Oregon - 2019. Institute for Natural Resources, Portland State University, Portland, OR.. :133pp..
Matthews SM, Green DS, J. Higley M, Rennie KM, Kelsey CM, Green RE.  2019.  Reproductive den selection and its consequences for fisher neonates, a cavity-obligate mustelid.
Jaeger W.K, Amos AL, Conklin DR, Langpap C, Moore KM, Plantinga A.J..  2019.  Scope and limitations of drought management within complex human-natural systems. Nature Sustainability.
Massie MH, Wilson TM, Morzillo AT, Henderson EB.  2019.  Suitability of Natural Areas for Representing Ecological Change in the Pacific Northwest. Natural Areas Journal. 39(4):8.
Jarvis W. T.  2019.  Transboundary Hydro-Governance: From Conflict to Shared Management. Groundwater.
Henderson EB, Bell DM, Gregory M.  2019.  Vegetation mapping to support greater sage‐grouse habitat monitoring and management: multi‐or univariate approach? Ecosphere. 10(8):e02838.
Cushman K, Huff R, Lau H, Dewey R, Russell M.  2020.  Conservation Assessment for Fungi Included in Forest Service Region 6 Sensitive and BLM Oregon and Washington Special Status Species Programs. Interagency Special Status and Sensitive Species Conservation Assessment. :45pp.
Cushman K, Huff R, Lau H, Dewey R, Russell M.  2020.  Conservation Assessment for Fungi Included in Forest Service Region 6 Sensitive and BLM Oregon and Washington Special Status Species Programs: Appendix V. Descriptions of Ecosystem Scale Forest Mycology Experiments. Interagency Special Status and Sensitive Species Conservation Assessment. :16pp.
Cushman K, Huff R, Lau H, Dewey R, Russell M.  2020.  Conservation Assessment for Fungi Included in Forest Service Region 6 Sensitive and BLM Oregon and Washington Special Status Species Programs: Appendix III. Table of species, their classification, and important traits. Interagency Special Status and Sensitive Species Conservation Assessment.
Cushman K, Huff R, Lau H, Dewey R, Russell M.  2020.  Conservation Assessment for Fungi Included in Forest Service Region 6 Sensitive and BLM Oregon and Washington Special Status Species Programs: Appendix IV. Table of species and results from the scientific literature. Interagency Special Status and Sensitive Species Conservation Assessment.
Lauten D.J., Castelein K.A., Farrar J.D., Kotaich A.A., Harrison J.N., Gaines E.P..  2020.  The Distribution and Reproductive Success of the Western Snowy Plover along the Oregon Coast - 2020. Oregon Biodiversity Information Center. :76pp.
Gaines EP, Dinsmore SJ, Murphy MT.  2020.  Effects of management for productivity on adult survival of Snowy Plovers. Journal of Field Ornithology.
Castelein KA, Lauten DJ, Gaines EP.  2020.  A guide to Snowy Plover nest predators, their tracks and behaviors, along the Oregon coast. INR Report. :104pp.
Tullos D, Walter C, Vache KB.  2020.  Reservoir Operational Performance Subject to Climate and Management Changes in the Willamette River Basin. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management.
