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Mason, Burce & Girard, Inc., Forest Econ, Inc., Institute for Natural Resources, Northwest Economic Research Center, PSU.  2012.  National Forest Health Restoration: An Economic Assessment of Forest Restoration on Oregon's Eastside National Forests.
Nielsen EM, Copass C, Brunner RL, Wise LK.  2021.  North Cascades National Park Complex vegetation classification and mapping project report. National Park Service Natural Resource Report. :144pp.
Nielsen EM, Copass C., Brunner RL, Wise LK.  2021.  Olympic National Park vegetation classification and mapping project report. National Park Service Natural Resource Report. :146pp.
Environmental Law Institute, NatureServe, Institute for Natural Resources, Resources for the Future, Cambridge Systematics, Inc..  2011.  Optimizing Conservation and Improving Mitigation Cost/Benefit: Task 3: Comparison of the Ecological and Economic Outcomes of Traditional vs. Programmatic, Multi-Resource Based Approach.
Environmental Law Institute, NatureServe, Institute for Natural Resources, Resources for the Future, Cambridge Systematics, Inc..  2010.  Optimizing Conservation and Improving Mitigation Cost/Benefit: Task 1: Literature Review and Interviews.
Environmental Law Institute, NatureServe, Institute for Natural Resources, Resources for the Future, Cambridge Systematics, Inc..  2010.  Optimizing Conservation and Improving Mitigation Cost/Benefit: Task 2: Evaluation and Selection of Approaches.
Nielsen EM, Noone MD, Kagan JS, Lee MT.  2013.  Pine Creek Conservation Area: 2013 Mapping and Monitoring Report. :138.
Nielsen EM, Noone MD, Kagan JS, Lee MT.  2013.  Pine Creek Conservation Area: 2013 Mapping and Monitoring Report. :138.
Environmental Law Institute, Institute for Natural Resources, NatureServe, Resources for the Future, Cambridge Systematics, Inc..  2011.  A Practitioner’s Handbook: Optimizing Conservation and Improving Mitigation Through the Use of Progressive Approaches.
Nielsen EM, Noone MD.  2014.  Tree cover mapping for assessing greater sage-grouse habitat in Eastern Oregon. INR Report. :10.
Nielsen EM, Noone MD.  2014.  Tree cover mapping for assessing greater sage-grouse habitat in Eastern Oregon. INR Report. :10.
Chan F., Boehm A.B., Barth J.A., Chornesky E.A., Dickson A.G., Feely R.A., Hales B., Hill T.M., Hofmann G., Ianson D. et al..  2016.  The West Coast Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia Science Panel: Major Findings, Recommendations, and Actions.
Noone MD, Kagan JS, Nielsen EM.  2013.  Western Juniper (Juniperus occidentalis) and Invasive Annual Grass Mapping in Eastern Oregon. :57.
Noone MD, Kagan JS, Nielsen EM.  2013.  Western Juniper (Juniperus occidentalis) and Invasive Annual Grass Mapping in Eastern Oregon. :57.
Nielsen E.  2023.  Willow abundance and condition mapping in Rocky Mountain National Park. Institute for Natural Resources, Portland, Oregon.
