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Lurie SD.  2011.  The CALFED Bay-Delta Program: Lessons from the Rise and Fall of a Large-Scale Ecosystem Management Network. Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research. 3(3):251-262.
Strong C, Neuman KK, Hutchinson JL, Clark AL, Chang L, Iwanicha J, Feucht E, Lau MJ, Lauten DJ, Markegard S et al..  2021.  Common raven impacts on nesting western snowy plovers: integrating management to facilitate species recovery. Human-Wildlife Interactions. 15(478)
Strong C, Neuman KK, Hutchinson JL, Clark AL, Chang L, Iwanicha J, Feucht E, Lau MJ, Lauten DJ, Markegard S et al..  2021.  Common raven impacts on nesting western snowy plovers: integrating management to facilitate species recovery. Human-Wildlife Interactions. 15(478)
Cushman K, Huff R, Lau H, Dewey R, Russell M.  2020.  Conservation Assessment for Fungi Included in Forest Service Region 6 Sensitive and BLM Oregon and Washington Special Status Species Programs. Interagency Special Status and Sensitive Species Conservation Assessment. :45pp.
Cushman K, Huff R, Lau H, Dewey R, Russell M.  2020.  Conservation Assessment for Fungi Included in Forest Service Region 6 Sensitive and BLM Oregon and Washington Special Status Species Programs: Appendix V. Descriptions of Ecosystem Scale Forest Mycology Experiments. Interagency Special Status and Sensitive Species Conservation Assessment. :16pp.
Cushman K, Huff R, Lau H, Dewey R, Russell M.  2020.  Conservation Assessment for Fungi Included in Forest Service Region 6 Sensitive and BLM Oregon and Washington Special Status Species Programs: Appendix III. Table of species, their classification, and important traits. Interagency Special Status and Sensitive Species Conservation Assessment.
Cushman K, Huff R, Lau H, Dewey R, Russell M.  2020.  Conservation Assessment for Fungi Included in Forest Service Region 6 Sensitive and BLM Oregon and Washington Special Status Species Programs: Appendix IV. Table of species and results from the scientific literature. Interagency Special Status and Sensitive Species Conservation Assessment.
Jarvis W. T, Villholth K.G., Lopez-Gunn E., Conti K., Garrido A., van der Gun J..  2018.  Cooperation and conflict resolution in groundwater and aquifer management. Advances in Groundwater Governance .
Hibbard M, Lurie SD.  2011.  Creating socio-economic measures for community-based natural resource management: a case from watershed stewardship organisations. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. :1-20.
Olander L, Characklis GW, Comer PJ, Effron M, Gunn J, Holmes T, Johnston RJ, Kagan JS, Lehman W, Loomis J et al..  2017.  Data and Modeling Infrastructure for National Integration of Ecosystem Services into Decision Making: Expert Summaries. National Ecosystem Services Partnership Working Paper.
Olander L, Characklis GW, Comer PJ, Effron M, Gunn J, Holmes T, Johnston RJ, Kagan JS, Lehman W, Loomis J et al..  2017.  Data and Modeling Infrastructure for National Integration of Ecosystem Services into Decision Making: Expert Summaries. National Ecosystem Services Partnership Working Paper.
Lauten DJ, Castelein KA, J. Farrar D, Breyer MF, Gaines EP.  2013.  The Distribution and Reproductive Success of the Western Snowy Plover along the Oregon Coast - 2013. :64.
Lauten DJ, Castelein KA, J. Farrar D, Kotaich AA, Gaines EP.  2012.  The Distribution and reproductive success of the Western Snowy Plover along the Oregon Coast - 2012.
Lauten DJ, Castelein KA, J. Farrar D, Kotaich AA, Gaines EP.  2011.  The Distribution and Reproductive Success of the Western Snowy Plover along the Oregon Coast - 2011.
Lauten DJ, Castelein KA, J. Farrar D, Kotaich AA, Gaines EP.  2010.  The Distribution and Reproductive Success of the Western Snowy Plover along the Oregon Coast - 2010.
Lauten DJ, Castelein KA, J. Farrar D, Herlyn HG, Gaines EP.  2009.  The Distribution and Reproductive Success of the Western Snowy Plover Along the Oregon Coast - 2009.
Lauten DJ, Castelein KA, Bailey DC, Lewis T, Gaines EP.  2008.  The Distribution and Reproductive Success of the Western Snowy Plover Along the Oregon Coast - 2008.
Lauten DJ, Castelein KA, Bailey DC, Lewis T, Gaines EP.  2008.  The Distribution and Reproductive Success of the Western Snowy Plover Along the Oregon Coast - 2008.
Lauten DJ, Castelein KA, Pruner R, Friel M, Gaines EP.  2007.  The Distribution and Reproductive Success of the Western Snowy Plover Along the Oregon Coast - 2007.
Lauten DJ, Castelein KA, Weston S, Eucken K, Gaines EP.  2006.  The Distribution and Reproductive Success of the Western Snowy Plover along the Oregon Coast - 2006.
