Found 312 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Halofsky JE, Hemstrom MA, Conklin DR, Halofsky JS, Kerns BK, Bachelet D.  2013.  Assessing potential climate change effects on vegetation using a linked model approach. Ecological Modelling. 266:131-143.
Gleason KE, Nolin AW, Roth TR.  2013.  Charred forests increase snowmelt: Effects of burned woody debris and incoming solar radiation on snow ablation. Geophysical Research Letters. 40:4654–4661.
Sproles EA, Nolin AW, Rittger K., Painter T.H.  2013.  Climate change impacts on maritime mountain snowpack in the Oregon Cascades. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 17:2581-2597.
Lauten DJ, Castelein KA, J. Farrar D, Breyer MF, Gaines EP.  2013.  The Distribution and Reproductive Success of the Western Snowy Plover along the Oregon Coast - 2013. :64.
Fiegener R.  2013.  Ecosystem Commons: Gathering Place for a Community on Ecosystem Services. Progress Report Submitted to the US Forest Service. :21.
Rupp DE, Abatzoglou JT, Hegewisch KC, Mote PW.  2013.  Evaluation of CMIP5 20th century climate simulations for the Pacific Northwest USA. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 118:10,884-10,906.
Duncan S, Lurie SD, Morgenstern K, Toth N, Bennet D, Fishler H.  2013.  EWEB’s Vision: Payments for Ecosystem Services through a Voluntary Incentives Program; An Innovative, Incentive-Based Approach for Preserving Water Quality in the McKenzie River Watershed.
Garcia ES, Tague CL, Choate JS.  2013.  Influence of spatial temperature estimation method in ecohydrologic modeling in the Western Oregon Cascades. Water Resources Research. 49:1611-1624.
Gaines L, Hemstrom MA, Kagan JS, Salwasser J.  2013.  Integrated Landscape Assessment Project Final Report. :54.
De Stefanis L.  2013.  An Interview with Richard Whitman.
INR Staff.  2013.  Introduction to the Institute for Natural Resources.
Kagan JS, Gaines L.  2013.  Methods to develop a crediting strategy for transportation and metropolitan planning agencies. :19.
Bolick Z.  2013.  Michael P. Nelson: The Ecological Philosopher.
Nielsen EM, Noone MD, Kagan JS, Lee MT.  2013.  Pine Creek Conservation Area: 2013 Mapping and Monitoring Report. :138.
Kalinin A.  2013.  Right as rain? The value of water in Willamette Valley agriculture Applied Economics. MS:48.
Yasuo M.  2013.  Rural Communities: Telling Stories with Numbers.
Jaeger W.K, Plantinga A.J., Chang H, Dello K., Grant G., Hulse D, McDonnell J.J, Lancaster S., Moradkhani H, Morzillo AT et al..  2013.  Toward a formal definition of water scarcity in natural-human systems. Water Resources Research. 49:4506–4517.
Hunter ML.  2013.  Water, energy, and ecosystem services : a study of businesses in Oregon’s Willamette Valley. Water Resources Policy & Management. MS:80.
Chang H, Jung I-W, Strecker A, Wise D, Lafrenz M, Shandas V, Moradkhani H, Yeakley A, Pan Y, Bean R et al..  2013.  Water supply, demand, and quality indicators for assessing the spatial distribution of water resource vulnerability in the Columbia River Basin. Atmosphere-Ocean. 51(4):1-18.
