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Abbott MR, Bloomer S, Hanna S, Lubchenco J, Malouf RE, Rasmussen J, Rumrill S.  2005.  Scientific Review by the Marine Science Advisory Panel of Oregon University System Scientists of the US Commission on Ocean Policy: Preliminary Report for Governor Kulongoski's Oregon Response.
Achterman G, Davis-Born R, Gaines L, Orscheln N, Rice B, Yaden D.  2006.  Climate Change Outreach Project Final Report.
Achterman G, Davis-Born R, Gaines L, Rolston I.  2005.  Oregon Coastal Community Water Supply Assessment.
Achterman G, Williamson K, Lundy J, Klingeman PC, Jarvis W. T.  2005.  Preliminary Summary of Aggregate Mining in Oregon with Emphasis in the Willamette River Basin.
Achterman G, Gaines L, Kagan JS.  2011.  Ecological Assessment Process and Credit System for Highway Capacity Projects. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2233(-1):128-134.
Achterman G, Ewing A, Kleibacker M.  2009.  Regional Gravel Initiative Workshop Summary Report.
Achterman G, Aylward B, Duncan S, LaRocco G, Primozich D, Vickerman S.  2008.  Policy Cornerstones and Action Strategies for an Integrated Ecosystem Marketplace in Oregon.
Adamus PR, Christy JA, Jones A., McCune M, Bauer J..  2010.  A Geodatabase and Digital Characterization of Wetlands Mapped in the Willamette Valley With Particular Reference to Prediction of Their Hydrogeomorphic (HGM) Class. :14+GISappendices.
Alpert P, Kagan JS.  2019.  Evaluation of Lanphere / Ma-le'l Dunes, Humbolt County, California. Oregon Biodiversity Information Center, Institute for Natural Resources. :77.
Amos AL.  2014.  Developing the law of the river: The integration of law and policy into hydrologic and socio-economic modeling efforts in the Willamette River Basin. The Kansas Law Review. 62:48.
Arha K, Salwasser H, Achterman G.  2003.  The Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds: A Perspective.
Atkinson M.  2014.  Attitudes toward water allocation policy in the Willamette Valley, Oregon. Natural Resources. MS:91.
Aylward B, Hartwell R, Lurie SD, Duncan S.  2009.  Financing Ecosystem Service Markets: Issues and Opportunities.
Barns TM.  2010.  The Oregon Explorer Experience: An Internship with a Statewide Geospatial Atlas.
Behan J, Gaines L, Kagan JS, Klein M, Wainger L.  2017.  Outcome Measures for Habitat and Recreation Acquisition and Regulations: A Science-based Review. :122p..
Behan J.  2004.  Salmon Anchor Habitats in Tillamook and Clatsop State Forests, Oregon: Science, Policy, and Economics: An Annotated Bibliography.
Behan J.  2004.  Salmon Anchor Habitats in Northwest Oregon State Forests: A Review of the Policy-Making Process.
Behan J, Lynn K.  2004.  Report of the Forest Fuels and Hazard Mitigation Committee to the Oregon Department of Forestry and the Oregon Fire Program Review.
Behan J, Crawford S, Kleiner E.  2005.  Applying Systematic Evidence Reviews in Oregon Forest Policy: Opportunities and Challenges.
Bernell D, Behan J, Shelby B.  2003.  Recreational Placer Mining in the Oregon Scenic Waterways System.
Bernell D, Behan J.  2003.  Oregon Scenic Waterways System: A Review and Assessment.
Bigelow DP.  2015.  How do population growth, land-use regulations, and precipitation patterns affect water use? A fine-scale empirical analysis of landscape change Applied Economics. PhD:199.
Bigelow DP, Plantinga A.J., Lewis DJ, Langpap C.  2017.  How Does Urbanization Affect Water Withdrawals? Insights from an Econometric-Based Landscape Simulation Land Economics. 93:413-436.
Bigelow DP, Plantinga A.J..  2017.  Town mouse and country mouse: Effects of urban growth controls on equilibrium sorting and land prices. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 65:11.
Binkley D., Duncan S.  2009.  The past and future of Colorado’s forests: connecting people and ecology.. 14. 2
