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Mason, Burce & Girard, Inc., Forest Econ, Inc., Institute for Natural Resources, Northwest Economic Research Center, PSU.  2012.  National Forest Health Restoration: An Economic Assessment of Forest Restoration on Oregon's Eastside National Forests.
Institute for Natural Resources, Oregon Department of Forestry.  2004.  Fire Prevention Working Group.
Institute for Natural Resources, Oregon Department of Forestry.  2004.  Fire Prevention Coverage Working Group.
Parametrix, Inc., Venner Consulting, Institute for Natural Resources.  2012.  Expedited Planning and Environmental Review of Highway Projects. :122.
Institute for Natural Resources, Oregon Natural Heritage Information Center.  2008.  Ecological System Mapping of USGS Zones 2, 7, 8, and 9 in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and California.
Institute for Natural Resources, NatureServe, Parametrix, Inc., CH2M HILL.  2012.  An Ecological Approach to Integrating Conservation and Highway Planning Volume 2.
Institute for Natural Resources, Columbia River Gorge Commission.  2008.  Columbia River Gorge Vital Signs Indicators Project.
Institute for Natural Resources, EcoAdapt.  2016.  Available Science Assessment Project: Prescribed Fire and Climate Change in Northwest National Forests. Report to the Department of the Interior’s Northwest Climate Science Center.
Institute for Natural Resources.  2016.  2015 Year in Review. INR Report.
Institute for Natural Resources.  2005.  2004-2005 Annual Report.
Institute for Natural Resources.  2004.  2003-2004 Annual Report.
Conference Proceedings
Institute for Natural Resources.  2005.  Proceedings of Scientific and Policy Workshops to Inform the Columbia River Nearshore Beneficial Use Project. Scientific Workshop to Inform the Columbia River Nearshore Beneficial Use Project.
