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Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Web Article
Horn-Muller A.  2023.  Climate disasters are fueling the rise of "doomsday" seed vaults. Axios. 2023
Dr. Gabriel Campbell, director of the Berry Seed Bank and INR Botany Program Director, is quoted in this article discussing "Doomsday" seed vaults. View article.
Wise LK.  2016.  iNaturalist and iMapInvasives: Partners in Early Detection of Invasive Species. iMapInvasives Blog Post.
Wise LK.  2015.  Oregon iMapInvasives Data Leads to Treatment of Two New Noxious Weed Sites. iMapInvasives Blog Post.
Gilles N.  2018.  Scarcity Amid Abundance in the Willamette River Basin. The Climate CIRCulator.
