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Sproles EA, Nolin AW, Rittger K., Painter T.H.  2013.  Climate change impacts on maritime mountain snowpack in the Oregon Cascades. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 17:2581-2597.
Sproles EA, Nolin AW, Rittger K., Painter T.H.  2012.  Climate change impacts on maritime mountain snowpack in the Oregon Cascades. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions. 9:13037-13081.
Sproles EA.  2012.  Climate change impacts on mountain snowpack presented in a knowledge to action framework. Water Resources Science. PhD:192.
Nolin AW, Sproles EA, Brown A.  2012.  Climate change impacts on snow and water resources in the Columbia, Willamette, and McKenzie River Basins, USA: A nested watershed study. Transboundary River Governance in the Face of Uncertainty : The Columbia River Treaty: A Project of the Universities Consortium on Columbia River Governance. :175-190.