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Behan J, Crawford S, Kleiner E.  2005.  Applying Systematic Evidence Reviews in Oregon Forest Policy: Opportunities and Challenges.
Gregg R.M., Reynier W., Gaines L, Behan J.  2018.  Available Science Assessment Process (ASAP): Sea Level Rise in the Pacific Northwest and Northern California. Report to the Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center.
Institute for Natural Resources, EcoAdapt.  2016.  Available Science Assessment Project: Prescribed Fire and Climate Change in Northwest National Forests. Report to the Department of the Interior’s Northwest Climate Science Center.
Souder J.A., Tomaro L.M., Giannico GR, Behan J.  2018.  Ecological Effects of Tide Gate Upgrade or Removal: A Literature Review and Knowledge Synthesis. Report to Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board. :136.
Bernell D, Behan J.  2003.  Oregon Scenic Waterways System: A Review and Assessment.
Behan J, Gaines L, Kagan JS, Klein M, Wainger L.  2017.  Outcome Measures for Habitat and Recreation Acquisition and Regulations: A Science-based Review. :122p..
Burnett KM, Giannico GR, Behan J.  2008.  A Pilot Test of Systematic Review Techniques: Evaluating Whether Wood Placements in Streams of the Pacific Northwest Affect Salmonid Abundance, Growth, Survival or Habitat Complexity.
Bernell D, Behan J, Shelby B.  2003.  Recreational Placer Mining in the Oregon Scenic Waterways System.
Behan J, Lynn K.  2004.  Report of the Forest Fuels and Hazard Mitigation Committee to the Oregon Department of Forestry and the Oregon Fire Program Review.
Behan J.  2004.  Salmon Anchor Habitats in Northwest Oregon State Forests: A Review of the Policy-Making Process.
Behan J.  2004.  Salmon Anchor Habitats in Tillamook and Clatsop State Forests, Oregon: Science, Policy, and Economics: An Annotated Bibliography.