Found 312 results
Author Title [ Type(Asc)] Year
Burcsu T, Kagan JS.  2011.  Mapping Conservation Opportunity Areas for The Intertwine's Regional Conservation Strategy.
Lurie SD, Duncan S, Bennet D, Fishler H.  2012.  Local Ecosystem Services Marketplaces: Public Utilities as Development Drivers.
Kagan JS, Nielsen EM, Noone MD, van Warmerdam JC, Wise LK, Kittel G, Copass C.  2012.  Lewis and Clark National Historic Park vegetation classification and mapping project report..
INR Staff.  2013.  Introduction to the Institute for Natural Resources.
Monden T.  2022.  Internship with the Institute for Natural Resources. Louis Stokes Alliance & Minority Participation-Institute for Sustainable Solutions Climate Resilience Internship Program, Poster Presentation.
Halofsky JE, Creutzburg MK, Hemstrom MA.  2014.  Integrating Social, Economic, and Ecological Values Across Large Landscapes. Pacific Northwest General Technical Report. :216.
Gaines L, Hemstrom MA, Kagan JS, Salwasser J.  2013.  Integrated Landscape Assessment Project Final Report. :54.
Jarvis W. T.  2015.  The Institute for Water & Watersheds Annual Technical Report FY 2014. National Institutes for Water Resources.
Gaines L, Lurie SD.  2007.  Innovation in Environmental Streamlining and Project Delivery: The Oregon State Bridge Delivery Program Final Report.
SB202 Task Force.  2016.  Independent Science Reviews for Natural Resources in the State of Oregon.
Christy JA.  2015.  History, Current Conditions, and Wetland Restoration at Killin Wetlands Natural Area, Washington County, Oregon. INR Report.
O. Hickman E, Christy JA.  2014.  Historical vegetation of the Tiller area, Douglas County, Oregon, based on GLO survey notes.. Report to Douglas County Commissioners, Roseburg, Oregon.. :80.
O. Hickman E, Christy JA.  2011.  Historical vegetation of central southwest Oregon, based on GLO survey notes : final report to USDI Bureau of Land Management, Medford District.
Christy JA, Gaddis PK.  2015.  Historical and existing vascular and bryophyte flora, former Blue Heron Paper Mill, Willamette Falls, Oregon City, Oregon. Oregon Biodiversity Information Center Report.
Gaines L, Kagan JS.  2006.  The Heritage Program: 25 Years Old and Looking Ahead Assessing the Future of the Heritage Program: Final Report.
Castelein KA, Lauten DJ, Gaines EP.  2020.  A guide to Snowy Plover nest predators, their tracks and behaviors, along the Oregon coast. INR Report. :104pp.
Kane R.  2004.  The Green Fuse: Using Plants to Provide Ecosystem Services.
Blackmore D, Chang H.  2015.  A Geospatial Tool for Wetland Prioritization at the Watershed Scale. INR Report. :57.
Adamus PR, Christy JA, Jones A., McCune M, Bauer J..  2010.  A Geodatabase and Digital Characterization of Wetlands Mapped in the Willamette Valley With Particular Reference to Prediction of Their Hydrogeomorphic (HGM) Class. :14+GISappendices.
Gray AN, Hubner D, Lettman G, McKay N, Thompson J.  2016.  Forests, Farms & People: Land Use Change on Non-Federal Land in Oregon, 1974-2014.
Lach D, Sanford S, Ham CL.  2006.  Fleet and Owner-Operator Capacity for Utilizing Idle Reduction Technology: A Report to the US Environmental Protection Agency.
Institute for Natural Resources, Oregon Department of Forestry.  2004.  Fire Prevention Working Group.
Institute for Natural Resources, Oregon Department of Forestry.  2004.  Fire Prevention Coverage Working Group.
Hartwell R, Aylward B, Van Dis K, Lurie SD, Duncan S, Ewing A.  2010.  Financing Mechanisms that Advance Ecosystem Service Markets and Promote Rural Sustainability.
Aylward B, Hartwell R, Lurie SD, Duncan S.  2009.  Financing Ecosystem Service Markets: Issues and Opportunities.
