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Christy JA.  2012.  Habitat Changes in the Region, 1850-2010. Biodiversity Guide for the Greater Portland-Vancouver Region. :17-21.
Williams J.  2014.  Habitat relationships of native and non-native fishes of the Willamette River, Oregon. Fisheries and Wildlife. MS:123.
Institute for Natural Resources, Oregon State University Libraries.  2009.  Hazards Explorer.
Gaines L, Kagan JS.  2006.  The Heritage Program: 25 Years Old and Looking Ahead Assessing the Future of the Heritage Program: Final Report.
Najafi M.R, Moradkhani H..  2014.  A hierarchical Bayesian approach for the analysis of climate change impact on runoff extremes. Hydrological Processes. 28:6292-6308.
Christy JA.  2002.  Historic vegetation of the Tualatin River Basin.. Exploring the Tualatin River Basin: a Nature and Recreation Guide.. :144.
Christy JA, Gaddis PK.  2015.  Historical and existing vascular and bryophyte flora, former Blue Heron Paper Mill, Willamette Falls, Oregon City, Oregon. Oregon Biodiversity Information Center Report.
O. Hickman E, Christy JA.  2011.  Historical vegetation of central southwest Oregon, based on GLO survey notes : final report to USDI Bureau of Land Management, Medford District.
O. Hickman E, Christy JA.  2014.  Historical vegetation of the Tiller area, Douglas County, Oregon, based on GLO survey notes.. Report to Douglas County Commissioners, Roseburg, Oregon.. :80.
Christy JA, Alverson ER.  2011.  Historical Vegetation of the Willamette Valley, Oregon, circa 1850. Northwest Science. 85(2):93-107.
Christy JA.  2015.  History, Current Conditions, and Wetland Restoration at Killin Wetlands Natural Area, Washington County, Oregon. INR Report.
Bigelow DP.  2015.  How do population growth, land-use regulations, and precipitation patterns affect water use? A fine-scale empirical analysis of landscape change Applied Economics. PhD:199.
Bigelow DP, Plantinga A.J., Lewis DJ, Langpap C.  2017.  How Does Urbanization Affect Water Withdrawals? Insights from an Econometric-Based Landscape Simulation Land Economics. 93:413-436.
Christy JA, Alverson ER, Thomas D.W..  2015.  Huperzia miyoshiana (Makino) Ching new to Oregon, U.S.A.. American Fern Journal. 105:56-58.
Caruso P., Ochoa C.G., Jarvis W. T, Deboodt T..  2019.  A Hydrogeologic Framework for Understanding Local Groundwater Flow Dynamics in the Southeast Deschutes Basin, Oregon, USA. Geosciences. 9
