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Vickerman S, Kagan JS.  2014.  Assessing ecological integrity across jurisdictions and scales. Workshop Paper. :38.
Kagan JS, Borsuk M, Calder R, Creutzburg MK, Mason S, Olander L, Plantinga A.J., Robinson C.  2019.  Assessing Ecosystem Service Benefits from Military Installations. Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program, Project Number: RC18-1604.
Olander L, Johnston RJ, Tallis H, Kagan JS, Maguire L, Polasky S, Urban D, Boyd JE, Wainger L, Palmer M.  2015.  Best Practices for Integrating Ecosystem Services into Federal Decision Making.
Kagan JS, Christy JA, Murray MP, Titus JA.  2004.  Classification of Native Vegetation of Oregon.
Kagan JS, Brunner RL, Christy JA.  2019.  Classification of native vegetation of Oregon - 2019. Institute for Natural Resources, Portland State University, Portland, OR. :109pp.
Olander L, Characklis GW, Comer PJ, Effron M, Gunn J, Holmes T, Johnston RJ, Kagan JS, Lehman W, Loomis J et al..  2017.  Data and Modeling Infrastructure for National Integration of Ecosystem Services into Decision Making: Expert Summaries. National Ecosystem Services Partnership Working Paper.
Gaines L, Kagan JS.  2006.  The Heritage Program: 25 Years Old and Looking Ahead Assessing the Future of the Heritage Program: Final Report.
Gaines L, Hemstrom MA, Kagan JS, Salwasser J.  2013.  Integrated Landscape Assessment Project Final Report. :54.
Kagan JS, Nielsen EM, Noone MD, van Warmerdam JC, Wise LK, Kittel G, Copass C.  2012.  Lewis and Clark National Historic Park vegetation classification and mapping project report..
Burcsu T, Kagan JS.  2011.  Mapping Conservation Opportunity Areas for The Intertwine's Regional Conservation Strategy.
Kagan JS, Gaines L.  2013.  Methods to develop a crediting strategy for transportation and metropolitan planning agencies. :19.
Kagan JS, Boyd JE, Wilkinson J, Howie S, Womble P, Potter J.  2011.  Optimizing Conservation and Improving Mitigation Cost/Benefit (NCHRP 25-25/Task 67).
Behan J, Gaines L, Kagan JS, Klein M, Wainger L.  2017.  Outcome Measures for Habitat and Recreation Acquisition and Regulations: A Science-based Review. :122p..
Nielsen EM, Noone MD, Kagan JS, Lee MT.  2013.  Pine Creek Conservation Area: 2013 Mapping and Monitoring Report. :138.
Olander L, Urban D, Johnston RJ, Van Houtven G, Kagan JS.  2016.  Proposal for Increasing Consistency When Incorporating Ecosystem Services into Decision Making. National Ecosystem Services Partnership Policy Brief.
Wise LK, Kagan JS.  2012.  Vascular Plant Inventory for Lewis and Clark National Historical Park - Public Version. :142pages.
Crist PJ, Wise LK, Kagan JS, Harkness M, Varley I, Comer PJ.  2011.  Vulnerability Assessment and Strategies for the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge and Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge Complex.
Noone MD, Kagan JS, Nielsen EM.  2013.  Western Juniper (Juniperus occidentalis) and Invasive Annual Grass Mapping in Eastern Oregon. :57.