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Institute for Natural Resources, Marine Resources Management Program, Oregon Sea Grant.  2009.  OWEB Coastal Storm Assessment Final Report.
Behan J, Gaines L, Kagan JS, Klein M, Wainger L.  2017.  Outcome Measures for Habitat and Recreation Acquisition and Regulations: A Science-based Review. :122p..
Kagan J, Gaines E, Bernert J.  2018.  Oregon Wildlife Habitat Types. Institute for Natural Resources. :14.
Duncan S, Lurie SD.  2008.  Oregon Sustainable Agriculture Needs Analysis Final Report.
Institute for Natural Resources, Governor's Advisory Group on Global Warming.  2004.  Oregon Strategy for Greenhouse Gas Reductions.
Gaines E.  2023.  Oregon state rank assessment for Pacific brook lamprey (Lampetra pacifica). Institute for Natural Resources, Portland, Oregon.
Institute for Natural Resources, Oregon State University Libraries.  2009.  Oregon Spatial Data Library.
Bernell D, Behan J.  2003.  Oregon Scenic Waterways System: A Review and Assessment.
Arha K, Salwasser H, Achterman G.  2003.  The Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds: A Perspective.
Institute for Natural Resources, Oregon State University, Portland State University, University of Oregon, Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development, USFS Pacific Northwest Research Station.  2008.  The Oregon Land Use Program: An Assessment of Selected Goals.
Draheim R, Fiegener R, Gaines L.  2015.  Oregon Invasive Species Council Review. Final Report submitted to The Oregon Invasive Species Council and the Oregon Department of Agriculture. :37pages.
Wise LK.  2015.  Oregon iMapInvasives Data Leads to Treatment of Two New Noxious Weed Sites. iMapInvasives Blog Post.
Barns TM.  2010.  The Oregon Explorer Experience: An Internship with a Statewide Geospatial Atlas.
Achterman G, Davis-Born R, Gaines L, Rolston I.  2005.  Oregon Coastal Community Water Supply Assessment.
Gaines L, Walsh K, Risien J.  2011.  The Oregon Coastal and Marine Data Network Workshop, June 6-7, 2011.
OSU Chemical Engineering Department, Oregon Wood Innovation Center.  2007.  Oregon Biofuels and Biomass: Woody Biomass in Oregon - Current Uses, Barriers and Opportunities for Increased Utilization, and Research Needs.
OSU Chemical Engineering Department, Institute for Natural Resources, Environmental Strategies, LLC, Council NEnvironmen.  2007.  Oregon Biofuels and Biomass: Potential Project Survey Including Regulatory Barriers.
Gaines L, Lurie SD, Ewing A.  2009.  Oregon BEST Biobased Products Rural Outreach Project.
Moore KM.  2015.  Optimizing reservoir operations to adapt to 21st century expectations of climate and social change in the Willamette River Basin, Oregon. Geography. PhD:183.
Environmental Law Institute, NatureServe, Institute for Natural Resources, Resources for the Future, Cambridge Systematics, Inc..  2011.  Optimizing Conservation and Improving Mitigation Cost/Benefit: Task 3: Comparison of the Ecological and Economic Outcomes of Traditional vs. Programmatic, Multi-Resource Based Approach.
Environmental Law Institute, NatureServe, Institute for Natural Resources, Resources for the Future, Cambridge Systematics, Inc..  2010.  Optimizing Conservation and Improving Mitigation Cost/Benefit: Task 2: Evaluation and Selection of Approaches.
Environmental Law Institute, NatureServe, Institute for Natural Resources, Resources for the Future, Cambridge Systematics, Inc..  2010.  Optimizing Conservation and Improving Mitigation Cost/Benefit: Task 1: Literature Review and Interviews.
