Found 312 results
Author Title [ Type(Asc)] Year
Chan F., Boehm A.B., Barth J.A., Chornesky E.A., Dickson A.G., Feely R.A., Hales B., Hill T.M., Hofmann G., Ianson D. et al..  2016.  The West Coast Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia Science Panel: Major Findings, Recommendations, and Actions.
Jaeger W.K, Plantinga A.J., Langpap C, Bigelow DP, Moore KM.  2017.  Water, Economics, and Climate Change in the Willamette Basin, Oregon. OSU Extension Service. :105.
Crist PJ, Wise LK, Kagan JS, Harkness M, Varley I, Comer PJ.  2011.  Vulnerability Assessment and Strategies for the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge and Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge Complex.
Wise LK, Kagan JS.  2012.  Vascular Plant Inventory for Lewis and Clark National Historical Park - Public Version. :142pages.
Brophy LS, Cornu C.E., Adamus PR, Christy JA, Doumbia J.A., Tully R.L..  2011.  User’s guide to the temperature sensor method for determining tidal inundation regime..
Christy JA, Kimpo A, Marttala V, Gaddis PK, Christy NL.  2009.  Urbanizing Flora of Portland, Oregon, 1806-2008.. :1-319.
Nielsen EM, Noone MD.  2014.  Tree cover mapping for assessing greater sage-grouse habitat in Eastern Oregon. INR Report. :10.
Gaines L, Achterman G.  2006.  Transportation and the Environment: A Research Agenda for Oregon: Final Report.
Haddad T, Wright D, Dailey M, Klarin P, Marra J, Dana R, Revell D.  2005.  The Tools of the Oregon Coastal Atlas.
Institute for Natural Resources.  2008.  Systematic Review Pilot Project Final Report.
Christy JA.  2005.  Sphagnum Fens on the Oregon Coast: Diminishing Habitat and Need for Management. :38.
Hibbard M, Lurie SD, Institute for Natural Resources, Institute for Policy Research and Innovation.  2010.  Socio-Economic Measures for Intensively Monitoring Watersheds: The Middle Fork John Day Effectiveness Monitoring Project: Year 2 Report. :1-52.
Ewing A.  2010.  Seeking Balance in Oregon's Coastal River Aggregate Mining: How Do Scientists Inform the Permit Streamlining Process?
Abbott MR, Bloomer S, Hanna S, Lubchenco J, Malouf RE, Rasmussen J, Rumrill S.  2005.  Scientific Review by the Marine Science Advisory Panel of Oregon University System Scientists of the US Commission on Ocean Policy: Preliminary Report for Governor Kulongoski's Oregon Response.
Oregon State University.  2004.  Scientific Consensus Statement on the Likely Impacts of Climate Change on the Pacific Northwest.
Institute for Natural Resources, Oregon Board of Forestry.  2011.  Science Review of the Oregon Department of Forestry’s Proposed Species of Concern Strategy and the Board of Forestry’s State Forests Performance Measures.
Behan J.  2004.  Salmon Anchor Habitats in Tillamook and Clatsop State Forests, Oregon: Science, Policy, and Economics: An Annotated Bibliography.
Behan J.  2004.  Salmon Anchor Habitats in Northwest Oregon State Forests: A Review of the Policy-Making Process.
Institute for Natural Resources, Oregon Department of Forestry.  2004.  Salmon Anchor Habitat Strategy: Invited Expert Responses.
Crowe EA, Kovalchik BL, Kerr MJeannette.  2004.  Riparian and Wetland Vegetation of Central and Eastern Oregon.
Creutzburg MK, Hemstrom MA, McCune M.  2015.  Rio Grande National Forest - Modeling assessment of ecosystem integrity, systems, drivers & stressors. INR Report. :33.
Lauten DJ, Castelein KA, Gaines EP.  2009.  Report on Wintering Western Snowy Plovers at Coos Bay North Spit and Impacts to Plovers from the North Jetty Repair Project, Winter 2009.
Institute for Natural Resources, Oregon Department of Forestry, Oregon Fire Program Review Workforce Capacity Workgroup.  2004.  Report of the Workforce Capacity Group.
Behan J, Lynn K.  2004.  Report of the Forest Fuels and Hazard Mitigation Committee to the Oregon Department of Forestry and the Oregon Fire Program Review.
Griffith J, Hanneman P, McCollister M, Moskowitz D, Westbrook H, Wilkeson R.  2004.  Report and Recommendations of Salmon Anchor Habitat Strategy Work Group.
