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Kagan JS, Cochran B, Maness N, Shilling F, Gaines L, Fiegener R, Howie S, Venner M, Bowen B.  2014.  SHRP2 CO6B Step 6: Crediting System Implementation.
Kagan JS, Gaines L.  2013.  Methods to develop a crediting strategy for transportation and metropolitan planning agencies. :19.
Kagan JS, Nielsen EM, Noone MD, van Warmerdam JC, Wise LK, Kittel G, Copass C.  2012.  Lewis and Clark National Historic Park vegetation classification and mapping project report..
Kagan JS, Boyd JE, Wilkinson J, Howie S, Womble P, Potter J.  2011.  Optimizing Conservation and Improving Mitigation Cost/Benefit (NCHRP 25-25/Task 67).
Kagan JS, Ohmann JL, Gregory M, Tobalske C.  2008.  Land Cover Map for Map Zones 8 and 9 Developed from SAGEMAP, GNN, and SWReGAP: A Pilot for NWGAP. Gap Analysis Bulletin. (15)
Kagan JS, Christy JA, Murray MP, Titus JA.  2004.  Classification of Native Vegetation of Oregon.
Kagan JS, Brunner RL, Christy JA.  2019.  Classification of native vegetation of Oregon - 2019. Institute for Natural Resources, Portland State University, Portland, OR. :109pp.
Kagan JS, Borsuk M, Calder R, Creutzburg MK, Mason S, Olander L, Plantinga A.J., Robinson C.  2019.  Assessing Ecosystem Service Benefits from Military Installations. Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program, Project Number: RC18-1604.