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Nolin AW.  2012.  Perspectives on Climate Change, Mountain Hydrology, and Water Resources in the Oregon Cascades, USA. Mountain Research and Development. 32:S35-S46.
Christy JA.  2012.  Rare Plant Associations, Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area, Sutton Recreation Area, and Heceta Sand Dunes ACEC/ONA.
Gabrielli C.P., McDonnell J.J, Jarvis W. T.  2012.  The role of bedrock groundwater in rainfall–runoff response at hillslope and catchment scales. Journal of Hydrology. 450-451:117-133.
Neumann PE.  2012.  Shallow aquifer storage and recovery (SASR): Regional management of underground water storage in hydraulically connected aquifer-stream systems. :37.
Neumann PE.  2012.  Shallow aquifer storage and recovery (SASR): Regional management of underground water storage in hydraulically connected aquifer-stream systems. Water Resources Science. MS:37.
J. Farrar D, Kotaich AA, Lauten DJ, Castelein KA, Gaines EP.  2012.  Snowy Plover Buried Alive by Wind-blown Sand. Western Birds. 43(3):189-191.
Chang H, Jung I-W, Steele M, Gannett M.  2012.  Spatial patterns of March and September streamflow trends in Pacific Northwest streams, 1958-2008. Geographical AnalysisGeographical Analysis. 44:177-201.
Creutzburg MK, Halofsky JS, Hemstrom MA.  2012.  Using state-and-transition models to project cheatgrass and juniper invasion in southeastern Oregon sagebrush steppe. Proceedings of the First Landscape State-and-Transition Simulation Modeling Conference, June 14–16, 2011, Portland, Oregon. :73-84.
Wise LK, Kagan JS.  2012.  Vascular Plant Inventory for Lewis and Clark National Historical Park - Public Version. :142pages.
Santelmann M, McDonnell J.J, Bolte JP, Chan S, Morzillo AT, Hulse D.  2012.  Willamette Water 2100: river basins as complex socio-ecological systems. Sustainable City VII. 155:575-586.
O’Brien S, Gaines L.  2011.  Adding climate change to the mix: using climate futures in conservation planning for Oregon’s oak-dominated habitats - Eugene, Oregon April 26-27, 2011.
Lurie SD.  2011.  The CALFED Bay-Delta Program: Lessons from the Rise and Fall of a Large-Scale Ecosystem Management Network. Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research. 3(3):251-262.
Hibbard M, Lurie SD.  2011.  Creating socio-economic measures for community-based natural resource management: a case from watershed stewardship organisations. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. :1-20.
Lauten DJ, Castelein KA, J. Farrar D, Kotaich AA, Gaines EP.  2011.  The Distribution and Reproductive Success of the Western Snowy Plover along the Oregon Coast - 2011.
Achterman G, Gaines L, Kagan JS.  2011.  Ecological Assessment Process and Credit System for Highway Capacity Projects. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2233(-1):128-134.
O. Hickman E, Christy JA.  2011.  Historical vegetation of central southwest Oregon, based on GLO survey notes : final report to USDI Bureau of Land Management, Medford District.
Christy JA, Alverson ER.  2011.  Historical Vegetation of the Willamette Valley, Oregon, circa 1850. Northwest Science. 85(2):93-107.
Burcsu T, Kagan JS.  2011.  Mapping Conservation Opportunity Areas for The Intertwine's Regional Conservation Strategy.
Greenwood S, Owens J, Faust S, Duncan S.  2011.  Mouth of the Columbia River Regional Sediment Management Plan.
Lurie SD, Hibbard M.  2011.  The New Natural Resource Economy.. 6(1):5-10.
Brophy LS, Cornu C.E., Adamus PR, Christy JA, Doumbia J.A., Tully R.L..  2011.  New tools for tidal wetland restoration: development of a reference conditions database and a temperature sensor method for detecting tidal inundation in least-disturbed tidal wetlands of Oregon, USA.. :199.
Kagan JS, Boyd JE, Wilkinson J, Howie S, Womble P, Potter J.  2011.  Optimizing Conservation and Improving Mitigation Cost/Benefit (NCHRP 25-25/Task 67).
Environmental Law Institute, NatureServe, Institute for Natural Resources, Resources for the Future, Cambridge Systematics, Inc..  2011.  Optimizing Conservation and Improving Mitigation Cost/Benefit: Task 3: Comparison of the Ecological and Economic Outcomes of Traditional vs. Programmatic, Multi-Resource Based Approach.
Gaines L, Walsh K, Risien J.  2011.  The Oregon Coastal and Marine Data Network Workshop, June 6-7, 2011.
Robinson CJ, Margerum RD, Koontz TM, Moseley C, Lurie SD.  2011.  Policy-Level Collaboratives for Environmental Management at the Regional Scale: Lessons and Challenges From Australia and the United States. Society & Natural Resources. 24(8):849-859.
