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Halmstad A, Najafi MReza, Moradkhani H.  2012.  Analysis of precipitation extremes with the assessment of regional climate models over the Willamette River Basin, USA. Hydrological Processes. 27:2579–2590.
Noone MD, Sader SA, Legaard KR.  2012.  Are Forest Disturbance Rates and Composition Influenced by Changing Ownerships, Conservation Easements, and Land Certification? Forest Science. 58(2):119–129.
Jarvis W. T.  2012.  Book Review - Water Diplomacy: A Negotiated Approach to Managing Complex Water Networks. Ground Water. 50(6):825-825.
Lurie SD, Duncan S, McCune M.  2012.  Bringing the River Back: Working with Landowners on Willamette River Restoration.
Burcsu T, Halofsky JS, Bisrat SA, Christopher TA, Creutzburg MK, Henderson EB, Hemstrom MA.  2012.  Chapter 2: Dynamic Vegetation Modeling of Forest, Woodland, Shrubland, and Grassland Vegetation Communities in the Pacific Northwest and Southwest Regions of the United States.
Sproles EA, Nolin AW, Rittger K., Painter T.H.  2012.  Climate change impacts on maritime mountain snowpack in the Oregon Cascades. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions. 9:13037-13081.
Sproles EA.  2012.  Climate change impacts on mountain snowpack presented in a knowledge to action framework. Water Resources Science. PhD:192.
Nolin AW, Sproles EA, Brown A.  2012.  Climate change impacts on snow and water resources in the Columbia, Willamette, and McKenzie River Basins, USA: A nested watershed study. Transboundary River Governance in the Face of Uncertainty : The Columbia River Treaty: A Project of the Universities Consortium on Columbia River Governance. :175-190.
Jung I-W, Chang H.  2012.  Climate change impacts on spatial patterns in drought risk in the Willamette River Basin, Oregon, USA. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 108:355-371.
Vinett MA, Jarvis W. T.  2012.  Conflicts Associated with Exempt Wells: A Spaghetti Western Water War. Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education. 148(1):10-16.
Lauten DJ, Castelein KA, J. Farrar D, Kotaich AA, Gaines EP.  2012.  The Distribution and reproductive success of the Western Snowy Plover along the Oregon Coast - 2012.
Institute for Natural Resources, NatureServe, Parametrix, Inc., CH2M HILL.  2012.  An Ecological Approach to Integrating Conservation and Highway Planning Volume 2.
Jarvis W. T, Stebbins A..  2012.  Examining Exempt Wells: Care for exempt wells provides opportunities for the water well industry.
Parametrix, Inc., Venner Consulting, Institute for Natural Resources.  2012.  Expedited Planning and Environmental Review of Highway Projects. :122.
Christy JA.  2012.  Habitat Changes in the Region, 1850-2010. Biodiversity Guide for the Greater Portland-Vancouver Region. :17-21.
Jarvis W. T.  2012.  Integrating Groundwater Boundary Matters into Catchment Management.. The Dilemma of Boundaries: Toward a New Concept of Catchment.
Olen B.  2012.  Irrigation choices for major West Coast crops : water scarcity and climatic determinants. Applied Economics. MS
Duncan JA, Burcsu T.  2012.  Landscape Development and Mule Deer Habitat in Central Oregon. Proceedings of the First Landscape State-and-Transition Simulation Modeling Conference, June 14–16, 2011, Portland, Oregon. :85-102.
Kagan JS, Nielsen EM, Noone MD, van Warmerdam JC, Wise LK, Kittel G, Copass C.  2012.  Lewis and Clark National Historic Park vegetation classification and mapping project report..
Lurie SD, Duncan S, Bennet D, Fishler H.  2012.  Local Ecosystem Services Marketplaces: Public Utilities as Development Drivers.
Noone MD, Murray MP.  2012.  Mapping Whitebark Pine at Crater Lake National Park. Nutcracker Notes. (23)
Mason, Burce & Girard, Inc., Forest Econ, Inc., Institute for Natural Resources, Northwest Economic Research Center, PSU.  2012.  National Forest Health Restoration: An Economic Assessment of Forest Restoration on Oregon's Eastside National Forests.
